Back 'home'

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I slumped down in the backseat of my mothers car looking out the
window watching the rain droplets roll down the glass as trees and
houses passed at a rapid pace making my stomach erupted in butterflies as i began to feel ever so slightly nauseous.

This felt like some sick punishment for having a fucked up family, my sorry excuse for a father left my mother and i all alone and to top it all of, taking her fucking money. We had to move out of our old house and come back to my mums home town.

I hated his guts for doing this to us, leaving us stranded with nothing like he always had done, he had left many times before and went on week long benders doing as many drugs as his body could handle and then coming home and expecting us to forgive him.
My mum always did,
She was in-love,
young and stupidly in-love.

My father got my mum pregnant when she was only 15, ripping her youth right out from underneath her and forcing her to have me not allowing her to have a say,
He was 17 and pumping himself full of drugs and then influenced my mother to do the same.
Soon enough she got hooked.

Now that he has abandoned us I've been trying to distract her from falling back into her old habits which is hard because she's been doing drugs for 17 years and she had finally given them up.
I'm thankful and surprised she hasn't fallen back on them just yet, but then only time can tell.

So after the fuck head left with everything we had,
we had no choice but to move in with my uncle in Aberdeen.
I lived here for a short amount of time before my Mum and Dad ran of to Australia dragging 4 year old me along with them.
I wanted to be back home so badly,
In the warm sun and with my friends. I knew the first few months was going to be painful without them.

I shut my eyes tightly as I began to now feel terribly car sick,
I didn't know if it was from the thought of my father or if it was because I wanted to be back home or if I had been looking out the window to long and it began to fuck with my stomach.

"Mum pull over I'm gonna vomit"
I groaned

"What?!" She asked confused looking at me in the review mirror pulling over to the side of the road turning around in her seat looking at me.
I opened the door and leaned my head out throwing up onto the side of the road with my hair getting soaked from the rain.

"Fuck" I groaned spitting the taste out of my mouth and sitting back up looking at my mother. "Are you alright?" She asked with a worried look written on her face, "yeah I'll be fine, we can keep going" i sighed.

She nodded as i closed the door sitting back and slouching down into my seat. She stared the cat back up and we where on our way yet again. fuck, I wanted the ground to open and swollen me whole. "Why do you think you where sick" she asked turning down the music (INXS to be specific) "I wanna go back home" "to many druggies and it's better we aren't there so your father can't find us" she reasoned. I knew it was for the better we where now in Aberdeen but I fucking hate this shithole, we would visit uncle Greg every four or something years and every time I hated it.
And now I have to live here.

Okay anyways I hope you enjoyed this little back story

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