Australia pt.2

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So sorry I haven't updated, not gonna lie I completely forgot it existed

I sat there in shock.
Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not going back there. I don't give a shit anymore, I have Kurt, I'm happy for once. "I don't want to go back, especially to live there" I said with tears welling in my eyes "no I don't think we will live there and move into the house but it's an option babe" she said patting the spot beside her to sit next to her. I got up walking around the table and sat next to her leaning against her and then i just gave up and began to sob, "you should stay here, junkies remember. They will make it worse and your brother will help you, he understands" I sobbed trying to convince her to let us stay. "I know" she nodded putting her arm around me. "But I'm happy he's dead" I laughed wiping my tears away, my mum nodded and chuckled quietly. "Same" she whispered taking another sip of her beer. I could tell that it was 50/50.

We sat there in silence for 10 minutes just trying to calm down and while I was trying to bring myself back to reality. "Go on, spend time with that boy, we leave in four days" she said rubbing my back. I stood up and hesitantly walked up to my room, I opened the door and I heard the doors playing through my record player. I looked at kurt and laughed slamming the door behind me, "fuck" i whispered thinking about what just happened.

I don't want to be without Kurt, I'm already growing very attached to him (even though we have barley spent enough time together, I'm just already so attached to him) plus this place somehow already feels like home, more of a home than couch surfing from crack house to crack house. Kurt walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me passionately while holding tightly to me, "it's okay don't be upset, your coming back" he whispered kissing my tear stained cheeks, "Kurt can you stay here until I leave" I asked wiping my tears that just won't stop fucking flowing, "of course I can y/n" he smiled lifting me up and carrying me to my bed sitting down with me on his lap. I could tell he was trying his best to act sober for me and fuck I appreciated it so much.

"High sex" I smiled at him pushing his hair away from his face and kissing him passionately and pushing him back softly until he was laying on his back, "you don't even need to ask" he laughed beginning to discard his clothes as well as I.

Sorry it was short :/

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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