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I was sat in the car as my mum and uncle lugged our shit out of our
car and into the house, but I refused to leave. I fucking hate it here, the only good thing that's here is my uncles dog. I stared out the window
looking at my uncles dog
Benny inside staring right back at me, "You can't just wallow in your
fucking denial babe" my mum said opening the door on the other side of the car grabbing out a suitcase, "I'm not 'wallowing in denial' I just don't want to get wet" I lied
taking my seatbelt off (knowing that I was 100% wallowing in my fucking denial) and pulling my knees up to my chest leaning my head back looking at the grey fabricated roof.

My uncle and mum got all the shit out of the car and brought it in leaving me alone stewing in my mess of a life, I was only fucking 17 and it's already fucking me over.

I cleared my throat opening the car door and stepping out slamming it hard behind me walking up to the house and walking in trailing water behind me. "Babe your room is where you usually sleep" my mum said walking out from the kitchen with a glass of wine in her hand, i nodded my head and walked up the stairs with the dog following me like my shadow into my new room. Looking around the familiar room i see that my mum or uncle had already put my boxes and suitcases in here, thank god saves me from doing it.

I sat on the bed and Benny jumped up beside me and put his paws on my lap barking at me, "I know" I smiled at him petting him softly while staring at the wall with thoughts running through my head as fast as a fucking bullet. I got up off the bed and walked downstairs into the living room and stopped in my tracks standing in the doorway watching my mum sit on the couch crying hysterically with her head in her hands while my uncle comforted her. "Mum" I said, she looked over to me wiping away her tears and putting on a fake smile "you should hire a hitman" I said blatantly
"I should" she laughed weakly referring to my dad. "I hope he kills himself" i said walking
into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, I heard my uncle laugh at my straight forward thoughts
about my father. I grabbed a glass
out of a high cabinet and
filling it up with water from the tap and taking a sip. I walked back over to my mum sitting down beside her and wrapping my arm around her giving her a side hug.

"He wasn't worth your time, fuck him" I said to her taking another sip "I loved him though" she said sobbing "he's a junkie" my uncle said quietly "I'm a junkie" she sobbed even
harder than before "I hope he dies for what he did to you" i whispered taking another sip. "He's still your dad babe" she said softly "he cheated on you multiple fucking times and that dosnt mean shit!" I reasoned raising my voice slightly but quickly going back to my usual tone because my mother and I don't yell at each other, we where like best friends and we had two rules and they are;
don't lie and don't disrespect.

I got up walking to the front door before being stopped by my uncle "it's pissing it down" he said "I don't care" I shrugged "be home by 10"
my mum said softly "oh and take the dog" she added, i nodded my head and got the lead of the clothes rack beside the door and called out for him. Benny came sprinting around the corner the second I mentioned the word walk,
i bent down to him clipping the lead on and leaving out the front door.
I paused as I realised the rain had calmed down and now it's just barely spitting. I walked out closing the
door behind me and began to explore this sorry excuse for a town.
I walked down the half flooded footpath reaching into my back pocket taking out my cigarette pack lighting one up and inhaling the smoke into my lungs.

I walked around mostly quiet streets every so often hearing loud music, screeching car, people yelling and occasionally passed the odd fight and one gunshot so far,
what a beautiful town.
I walked down a street passing
some guy sitting on the curb yelling at someone in the house behind him, i stopped walking and listened in while I acted like I was looking for something in my pockets, "you need to pick your act up!" The woman on the porch screamed at the
boy "Shut. The. Fuck. Up." He yelled back turned around and looking at the woman who I'm guessing is his mother "No!" She laughed sarcastically "your not my goddam mother!" He yelled, step-mum maybe? The woman slammed the door closed and the boy looked up at me and we just awkwardly stared at each other as i took a drag from my cigarette.

"She seems like a fuckwit"
I said calmly, "She is" he nodded standing up and walking over to me then bending down to the dog petting him. "What's his name?" He asked referring to Benny "It's Benny"
I smiled at I watched him pat and play with Benny boy.
"Hey" I said awkwardly looking at him as he stood up in front of me "Hi" he smiled holding out his hand for me to shake, which I did. "I haven't seen you here before" he said looking down at the dog who was sitting beside me "I just moved back here" "back?" He asked "yeah my dad stole all our money and now is probably blowing it off on hookers and heroin" I laughed lightly, I didn't take this shit seriously plus I hated him and my only wish for him was for him to drown, "fuck" he laughed lightly "yeah so before you ask 'how are you going' I'm sure you can figure the answer" I said laughing, he nodded his head and opened his mouth to say something but got interrupted by the woman opening the front door and screaming out to him.

"Stop talking to that girl and get your fucking ass in here!" She yelled at him, I raised my eyebrows at him and chuckled softly. "You better get your 'fucking ass' in there" I said quietly as he nodded "I'll see you around?" He asked, I smiled and nodded as he walked across the street and up the stairs into the house slamming the door harshly behind him.

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