King Marco took a deep breath. “Send her in.”

Aeneas bowed and disappeared. A few seconds later, Vara entered the room. “Thank you for receiving me, my king,” she said and she curtsied.

“What can I do for you, Vara?”

Vara hesitated a moment before speaking her concern. “I spoke with the lady Ariane this morning,” she said, “she informed me that you plan to send Cyrus to Tireze.”

“This is true,” king Marcos nodded, “they will leave after the wedding.” He leaned back in his chair and folded his hands. His eyes held a stern, but cautious look.

Vara took a step further into the room. “I beg your pardon, sire, but I am not sure this is wise. Cyrus is your only heir. What if something happens to him on the road? Or worse, in Tireze? With the two already wed, the throne would fall to the house Tirzé.”

“Tireze has allied with us, Vara,” the king spoke in a warning tone, “it would not do well if we suspect them of treason.”

“There are spies in every nation, my king,” Vara retorted.

“Yes,” king Marcos agreed, “yet Tireze’s only heir has honored us with a visit as well. We cannot deny them the same.”

“But my king…”

“This  does not concern you, Vara!” king Marcos raised his voice. He heard the intake of her breath and narrowed his eyes. “Do not make the mistake that my generosity towards you gives you the right to tell me how to rule my kingdom.”

Vara paled and cast her eyes down. “Forgive me. That was not my intention.”

“You love him.” It was a statement, not a question and Vara did not respond. The king sighed and leaned forward on the table. “I know this marriage is difficult for you to accept, but the kingdom needs this alliance and despite of what you think, the lady Ariane will be a good wife for my son.”

“My lord, I did not insinuate…”

“Oh, but you did.” He stood up and paced the room with his hands clasped behind his back. “You will not join the delegation when they leave for Tireze.”

Vara’s head snapped up. “My king…” she frowned confused, “I thought… they will ask questions if the king’s daughter does not join his son…”

“In Tireze, women don’t travel on their own when they are not married, not even a king’s daughter.”


“That was different,” king Marcos cut her off, “she was already promised to my son. Yes…” He looked at her startled eyes, “I had made a pact with Tireze already. Cyrus did not know.”

Vara gritted her teeth. She felt strangely betrayed. “Iolaus can accompany me,” she said firmly.

“Iolaus is not your husband. He is not even your betrothed. But even if he was, you would still not be allowed to travel with him. I took you in as my daughter, Vara, do not disgrace me now.”

Vara’s expression turned stubborn. “As my king wishes.”

“This is not punishment, Vara,” the king continued in a kinder tone, “I promised your father I would take care of you, that I would protect you and I have denied you nothing except for my son.”

“And I am grateful, my king.”

King Marcos walked up to her and lifter her chin. “You have grown into a beautiful young lady, brave and wise and loyal. Your father would have been proud.” He looked at her with sympathy. “Cyrus will need you at his side.”

“Yet you will not send me with him.”

The king turned his back on her and looked out of the window. “I have my reasons.”

Vara looked at her feet. She had a feeling she knew what he was referring to and it hurt her that he would think so badly of her. But when he spoke again, he took her completely by surprise.

“I’ve put up a decree,” he said softly, “if anything is to happen to my son and he dies without having produced an heir, the crown is to pass to your firstborn child, with you as regent until the child has come of age.”

Vara’s mouth fell open. “You would entrust our kingdom to me?”

“Don’t misunderstand me,” king Marcos said, “I pray it will not be necessary. But I have watched you, Vara. How you hold yourself, how you bind people’s loyalty to you. You know what the people want, what they need. You have the makings of a queen.”

“You give me too much honor.”

“I know what I see.”

Vara looked at the king. “Why was I not aware of this?”

The king turned away from the window. “I did not want it known. I fear it might draw the wrong attention, people who hope to gain from it.” He paused and gave her a calculating look. “The wrong kind of suitors.”

“Suitors,” Vara whispered.

“Yes,” king Marcos nodded. He walked towards his desk and leaned on it. “It is still a political game, Vara. I can not risk drawing in the wrong people. You do understand this?”

Vara bit her lip. “But there are… suitors?”

A laugh escaped the king. “Of course there are. Did you expect anything else?”

She had never given it much thought. She knew the king would find her a suitable husband. She had just never stopped to wonder how. “May I know who?”

The king sighed. “All in good time, Vara. There is no hurry.” He looked at her sternly. “Cyrus does not know of my decision,” he spoke seriously, “it would be best to keep it that way.”

“You would keep this from your own son?” Vara asked in disbelieve. He could not ask this of her.

“I know my son,” the king spoke, “he will do something foolish.” He studied her for a moment. “As I said before, I hope my decision will never have to be put in play. There is no reason for Cyrus to be informed.”

Vara let out a long sigh. She had been sure the king had been jesting, but he looked serious. What was she supposed to do? She had never coveted the throne. She did not want to be a ruler. “The council will ever accept it,” she said, “I am not of royal blood. It will not matter that you gave me your name. There will be a revolution. We are already at war. You cannot put your people through that again.”

The king quirked an eyebrow. “I cannot?” He shook his head amused. He knew he had chosen well.

Vara lowered her eyes. “Forgive me. I did to mean to criticize you.”

“Of course your concern is unnecessary,” king Marcos continued, “if Cyrus produces an heir, the decree can stay in the archives gathering dust.”

Vara knew then that she had fallen into a trap. That was why he would not allow her to go to Tireze with Cyrus. He hoped Ariane would be carrying that their before they returned home.

She lowered her eyes again. “Let us pray so,” she mumbled.

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