Dragon Call Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I'm not sure what you mean," I really hope the fight did not spread that quickly.

"Yes, the one who fiercely fought Arthur and almost won in defense of her brother."

"Oh yes that was me," I said ashamed.

"Finally, someone stands up to him. He could not stop talking about you and how you fought." I became flustered and simply just nodded my head. "You truly have impressed many nobles and townfolk with your skill and bravery," she complimented.

"Thank you, my lady."

"Oh no need for formalities, you challenged Arthur now we are friends," she replied, "Call me Morgana."

"I'm Alexandra and the blue-eyed, black hair physician's assistant is my brother, Merlin."

"Well I am very excited we are friends because we always need more powerful women, especially women who keep the prince in line." We all laughed. Morgana invited me to the banquet. I accepted the invitation and even though Gaius would already force me to go. There is only one problem I need to buy some dresses. I did not pack much from home because I did not have much and I prefer to travel light.

"You looked confused, Alexandra, what is the matter?" Morgana pondered.

"I decided to pack light and I am in need of some dress for my stay in Camelot."

"Oh we must go shopping around the markets; it's been so long since I have." We made plans to shop and I was very happy to be friends with the King's ward. Unfortunately, my name was on everyone's tongues for I challenged the prince, my mistake.

It has been a couple of hours since Lady Helen arrived, Gaius and I were creating remedies and organizing herbs. Merlin burst through the room like a wild animal. He was out of breath when he claimed that Lady Helen was Mary Collins seeking revenge. Gaius questioned Merlin's accusation and I requested evidence. He said that a spell book was on the counter and there was a voodoo doll. Merlin also claimed he saw Mary Collin's reflection. Interesting. Gaius and I both knew Merlin was telling the truth and that Lady Helen was an imposter.

"We must go to the King," Merlin claimed.

"No, that would be stupid!" Gaius argued. "He would never believe the words of a low peasant against the beloved Lady Helen." Merlin was angry but knew Gaius was right.

"Well we must do something; she performs in an hour!" I exclaimed. The men nodded along and we all readied ourselves for the banquet. I borrowed a dress from Gwen which was a flowy, blue dress.

I swear Merlin only owns one style of clothing

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I swear Merlin only owns one style of clothing. I sighed and we began to rush towards the great hall and waited a few minutes for the King to enter. The horns began to blow and the King trotted into the room. Everyone in the room bowed and the Lady Helen began to perform. Her voice was soothing and took your mind off of your surroundings. She continued singing and Merlin asked what language she was singing. A lightbulb turned on in my head, and I turned to Merlin and whispered urgently that it was magic. Spiderwebs covered light fixtures and people's heads as they fell to sleep. Lady Helen slowly walked towards Arthur with a dagger in hand. I grabbed Merlin and said we have to do something. My eyes changed to gold as I slowed down time. Then, I cast a spell to have the chandelier drop on her form. Her singing spell undid itself and everyone including Gaius began to wake up. Mary Collin's true form revealed herself and all the nobles were astonished. I let out a breath I did not know I was holding; however, in Mary Collin's last breath, she threw that dagger right at Arthur. I slowed down time and Merlin ran towards Arthur. Both of them fell to the ground. Cheers erupted from all around. The King greeted Merlin and promoted him to Arthur's manservant. The men were unhappy about the King's decision which I found quite funny.

Before we all retired from this long exhausting day, Merlin complained that he saved a life only to be the prat's servant. Gaius said that it was a good thing and that we found a use for our powers. I became the physician's assistant and would work alongside Gaius. Things were looking great with our first two weeks in Camelot. I made friends, found a purpose for my magic, and I even fought the prince. The only thing that would stand in our way is the danger to come to Arthur's life as the dragon warned. I still can't believe there is a golden beast that knows so much yet shares so little.

***Hope you enjoyed it. This is the end of the first episode. Please feel free to vote and comment, especially if you have any suggestions or requests.

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