"He has not been crushing on me for two years," Thalia argued.

"He has," Eiji repeated, "he was probably just too embarrassed to admit he'd been pining after you for longer than you had. Ask him about it."

Storm couldn't imagine crushing on someone for so long and feeling unable to do something about it. It would drive her insane. Most of her crushes hadn't lasted for long or had turned into relationships.

"You really think so?"

"I know so," Eiji confirmed.

Throwing an arm around his shoulder, Joey ruffled Eiji's hair playfully. It could be interpreted as a platonic move with no other intentions, yet Storm noticed how Eiji stiffened and she wondered if something more was going on. Joey had been affectionate with Eiji before, she wasn't sure what changed. Though Joey hadn't revealed much, Storm was pretty certain something had happened between them. Albeit, she was unsure why it was making Eiji act so uncomfortable around Joey. She was growing increasingly curious.

Joey, seemingly noticing the change in behavior, removed his arm from Eiji, respecting that he didn't seem okay with it. However, Storm didn't miss the hurt expression flashing across his face. He quickly recovered, turning his frown into a smile again.

Clearing his throat, Joey stood up and pointed with his thumb to the kitchen. "I'm going to get some, uhm, snacks and drinks. Anybody wants anything?"

"I could do with a beer. You have any?" Echo asked.

"I'll check," he glanced at everyone else who shook their heads. "Okay, I'll be back."

He headed to the kitchen, leaving the room. Storm excused herself, following suit. By the refrigerator, Joey was kneeling, scanning for any beers. Storm approached him, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. He looked up, grabbed a beer he'd found, and got up from his kneeling position. Giving her a tight smile, he leaned against the counter. One hand gripping it and the other fiddling with the can of beer in his hand.

"Everything okay?" Storm questioned, checking him up and down.

He was dressed in a pair of black sweats and a white t-shirt, going for the comfy look. Though the man himself looked anything but comfortable. Something was up, Storm just wasn't sure if he would admit it or not.

Avoiding her eyes, he mumbled, "no, no, I'm fine. Why are you asking?"

Storm quirked an eyebrow, taking a step forward so they were almost chest to chest. "C'mon, Joey. I was asking out of courtesy. I can read you like a book. Besides, you weren't being subtle about it. It's Eiji, isn't it?" When he remained quiet, Storm added, "I won't pressure you into telling me, but I'm here, you know that, right? Always."

That earned her a smile. "Yes, I know. I love you for it. But I'll handle it myself. I think it's best if it stays between us, anyway."

"Okay," Storm nodded.

She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. It didn't take him long to reciprocate it, returning her embrace. Pecking her on the head, he rested his own on top of hers.

"I love you, idiot."

He laughed. "How sweet. Can't say I feel the same though, sorry." Sensing she wasn't impressed, Joey huffed and said, "fine, I love you too."

They stayed like that for a little while until Storm pulled away. "Gross, this is getting too sentimental. Let's get back out there, shall we?"

Chuckling, he said, "Yeah, let's do that, you sappy shit."

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