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It was the morning after the party, and I woke up feeling pretty nauseous. I wasn't having a hangover nearly as bad the last time, thank goodness, but that doesn't mean I like feeling nauseous nonetheless. I found myself in the bed of one of Dak's spare bedrooms. I remembering stubbornly insisting on me sleeping in the spare bedroom instead of him. We went back and forth on the matter, but obviously, I won the argument. Events of last night rushed into my memory, and I knew I had to tell Ethan right away. I rubbed the sleep out of my eye and got up to go wake up Ethan, who ironically, was staying in the spare bedroom across of mine. As if practiced, we both opened the doors and spoke at the same time saying, "My room, now!"

"No, you come in my room." I argued in a stage whisper, not knowing if Dak had awakened or not. "Fine!" He caved, and made his way into the room. I quickly shut the door behind us. "What happened?" He immediately asked me. "I messed up, holy hell I made myself look like an idiot!" "What're you talking about?" "Oh my gosh, he probably thinks I'm a slut!" "Xaila, what the hell are you talking about?" He asked again. "Last night!" I answered. "What about it?" "I came on to him! I was trying to have sex with him!" "What?!" "I know, I know!" I started pacing. "He didn't do anything, right?" "Of course not! Did you miss the part where I said I came on to him?!"

"No, I just wanted to make sure. Now tell me what happened." I then began explaining everything that led to the 'moment' and how it happened. "Then that's when we found you and came here." I stated. He sat there silent with his eyes widened, obviously speechless. "Yes, I know it was stupid!" I threw my arms up, and let them flop to my sides. "Stupid doesn't begin to cover it." "Ethan!" "You tried to get Dak to take your virginity while you were intoxicated!" "I think I know what I did." I retorted.

"Do you actually though?" He asked. "Of course I do! It's my virginity after all," I rolled my eyes, "That's a piece of information you didn't have to tell him." "What're you talking about?" "Don't play dumb, E! I know you told Dak I'm a virgin." I placed my hands on my hips. "I did," He agreed, "Why wouldn't you have told him?" "Because there's no need to! For one: It never came up in conversation, for two: That's not just something you randomly tell someone, and three: I wasn't planning on having sex with him to let him in on that information." I explained. "Oh, you weren't?" "No!" "Then what was last night?" He arched his brow. "I was tipsy!"

"Then why're you getting so defensive?" He was quick to question. "I'm not!" I exclaimed defensively. He sat there with an amusing smirk across his face, saying everything with no words. "I—" "AH-HA! I got you!" "Oh, whatever!" We both started laughing. "Wait, why did you want me to go into the room you slept in?" I asked. "Oh," He cleared his throat, "I know where you cousin disappeared to." "Oh my gosh," I jumped on the bed to sit next to him, "Where?!" "She sent me a selfie of her laying next to Zeke in bed." He answered. "So she stayed the night at his house? That doesn't really tell me where she went off to." "I tried asking her, but she said she'd explain when we see her. So all I know is, whatever she did she ended up sharing a bed with Zeke." He shrugged.

There was a few light taps on the door followed with, "Can I come in?" "Yes." I answered. Dak then made his way into the room, "Good morning, y'all." "Good morning." "Morning." Ethan smiled. "Sleep good?" He asked. "Like a baby." Ethan replied. "You?" "I slept good." I smiled. "I'm glad to hear y'all slept good," He softly smiled, "You guys hungry?" "No." "I could eat." Ethan shrugged. I shot him a look, and he returned mine with an innocent confused look. "Something wrong?" Dak questioned. "No, no, of course not," I answered, "I'd just like to finish my discussion with E before we eat." "That's respectable. I'll let y'all finish and I'll be downstairs waiting." He smiled as he turned on his heels excusing himself. "Okay." I said.

As soon as the door shut, Ethan was quick to ask, "Why were you acting all hostile to him offering breakfast?" "Dude, he has a freaking personal chef!" I exclaimed my response. "And?" "And I don't need a chef to cook for me. I am more than capable of doing cooking on my own." "So whenever you'd come over, you never ate anything the chef cooked?" He questioned. "No. I did all the cooking, but only once they all went out to eat while I was sleep and they brought me something back." I answered. Ethan chuckled, "So do you have like a secret vendetta against personal chefs or something?" I made a face then swatted his arm, "No, dick! I'm just saying it makes me uncomfortable to have my food cooked by a personal chef."

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