Part 7: Warm and safe

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She giggled. For the millionth time that night. And it was the most beautiful sound in this world. The more hours passed the closer they had gotten so that now Andrew had his arm around Meredith, and she was cuddled into his side, her head on his chest. It was the first time in the two weeks in which he had known her, that she seemed completely relaxed and comfortable, not caring about anything. She was adorable.

It was about half past twelve and Meredith slowly seemed to get tired, she was still giggling about funny scenes, but he noticed that her eyes started to drop. Just about five minutes later he heard soft snores coming from the tiny, warm body, curled up into his side. He carefully laid her down on the mattress before turning of the tv and tucking her in the blankets, making sure she was warm. He slowly laid down himself, scared that his movements might wake her up, but she seemed fast asleep. He pulled up the blanket over himself and turned onto his side, looking at the sleeping Meredith. He smiled at her. She was beautiful, amazingly kind and funny and he was almost sure that he was starting to fall for her.


She woke up in the middle of the night, her breathing heavy and unsteady as she tried to focus on not having a panic attack. She had had the same nightmare which she had had at least once in a month ever since she was eleven and which kept waking her up almost every night. She carefully sat up and took in her surroundings. At first, she had no idea where she was which didn't really ease her anxiety, but when she spotted Andrew laying next to her she immediately relaxed a little.

She slowly laid back down, turning to look at Andrew while her breathing slowly got steadier. It was unbelievable how he could calm her down by just being there, not even having to say a single word or yet being awake. Instinctively she scooted a little closer, until she almost touched him. She was scared to do what she was about to do. She only knew him for a short time, but it didn't feel like that. It felt like she had known him her whole life. Talking to him was so easy and she was always comfortable around him. He could always calm her down and he was just- amazing. There was just one thing that was stopping her from just moving into his warm and safe embrace and that was her stupid social anxiety.

So she just laid there, just a few inches away from him. She closed her eyes, trying to tell herself that it was alright. He was her friend, they were friends. And although she didn't really know if cuddling was part of being friends because she never really had any, she hoped that he wouldn't mind. Before her thoughts could get the best of her she just did it. As soon as she snuggled closer into him he wrapped his arms around her and she put her head on his chest, a small smile forming on her lips as he brought her even closer.

"You okay?" he asked sleepily, not moving a single muscle. She didn't expect him to wake up so she was scared that he would be mad at her for waking him up. "Yeah, I'm sorry I woke you up" she said quietly, her voice muffled into his shirt.

In response he just pressed a kiss into her hair, obviously too tired to say something and not a few seconds later he was asleep again. And that was the moment she realised that she felt completely safe in Andrew's arms, like if nothing bad could happen. But as soon as she closed her eyes, to try to fall back asleep, she saw him. She saw him bending down over her, pinning her down on the cold and clammy sidewalk, darkness surrounding her as he slowly started to undress her.

She quickly opened her eyes again, her breathing starting to get faster again. Taking in the scent of Andrew's shirt, she moved closer and reassured herself that she was completely safe here. He wasn't here and he wouldn't find her here. He would never get the chance to do again what he had done seven years ago. She was here with Andrew. In his warm and safe arms. She felt protected. Nothing could happen.

Sorry that the chapter is so short... I hope you like it anyways... I'll try to update this story a little more regulary. =)

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