Chapter Four ; All About The Money

Start from the beginning

And for the first time in a long time, I felt safe.


The next thing I knew was that I was in some kind of vehicle. I blinked and sat up, feeling exhausted. 

"You faint a lot." 

I looked to the right of me and saw Harry. He had blood smeared on his face and spots of black and blue scattered all over his arms, and one of the sleeves on his blazer was gone.

"Why would you save me?"

He ignored the question and asked, "What did they want from you?"

I leaned back and sighed, closing my eyes. "Money."

I heard him grunt and I winced. "So you gamble, too? That's great. That's perfect. Way to pick 'em, Louis." 

Anger bubbled up inside of me. "You don't know," I growled at him, my breathing becoming ragged. "You don't know the hell I've been through and you have no right to judge me."

Harry didn't even glance at me. There was no expression on his face whatsoever. "Just stay away from him."

I gripped the seat. "You didn't answer my question." 

He looked at me, now, and finally replied, "I saved you because I don't like seeing girls get hurt."

There was something in voice that told me that wasn't the full truth. 

I buried my face in my hands, letting the tears fall out. I hated myself for getting into this mess. I hated myself for letting Harry get hurt, and I hated myself for allowing Louis to care for me. "I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry."

And this time, I meant it.

My phone buzzed and I was surprised it still worked, with the cracks running through it and everything. I answered it, stifling a huge smile when I heard his voice say, "Where are you? Where did you run off to? Do you know where Harry is?"

"I'm fine. I'm in a taxi with him. Where are you?" And how did you get my number? My voice was hoarse and talking made me cough. 

"Tell him to drive you to Madison Avenue. I'm at a phone booth." He paused. "Are you okay?"

"Mmhm, I'm fine," I replied, then hung up.

I glanced at Harry, who's eyes were boring into me. "He's at Madison looking for us." 

Harry told the driver to take us there, then snapped at me, "I want this to be the last time you ever see him."

I nodded but didn't promise anything. 

When we got to Madison Avenue, I jumped out of the cab before he even stopped. Louis greeted me with a hug but quickly pulled away. His lips parted when he saw me, covered with mud and my hoodie torn up, dry blood on my cheeks. His mouth dropped even more when Harry got out. 

"Your little girlfriend is a gambler," Harry spat, walking beside us. Louis grabbed a hold of my arms and asked, "What?" before I turned away. I couldn't look at him. I couldn't tell him the truth. Instead, I asked a question that has been bugging me. "Where's Abby?"

He paused. "She went home. Now what is this about gambling?"

I shook my head. "Nothing. I'm a gambler and that's that." 

Harry pushed me aside so he could get to eye level with Louis. "She owed that guy over a thousand dollars. They were going to beat her, Louis, or worse. She wouldn't be here right now if I wasn't there."

Everything he said was true but I couldn't stand it. I jerked away from them and began to walk down the street, sure that I would rather die than see Louis disappointed in me. I had just met him, but he had an affect on me that I can't explain. The same affect Jared had left on me when I first met him.

"Clarissa, wait." Louis grabbed my shoulder and turned me around, his arm snaking around my waist. "I don't want to lose you again."

Harry's face went red and he shoved Louis away from me. "Did you hear anything I just said?" he shouted. Louis narrowed his eyes at him. "Yeah, I heard you telling me who I can and can't be with." He let go of me and continued. "I also heard you trying to dim the only ray of sunshine I've had this week! What do you care? Just let me love who I want to love."

"Louis-" I started, but Harry interrupted. "What do I care? What do I care? This is your future! I care because I'm your friend and that's what friends do; they care! But fine. If you want to destroy your life, go right ahead. I won't stop you."

He got back in the cab and drove off. 

Louis turned to me, his eyes red. I took a deep breath. "Louis, he's right. Harry's right. All that I will do for you is make your fans hate you for not being with Eleanor."

He smiled, as if he was pretending that none of this had ever happened. "You can do more for me than that." 

Grabbing a hold of my back, he pulled me close to him and kissed me again, his hands trailing up to my hair and pushing me even closer.


He pulled away, a smile still lingering on his lips.

My heart stopped as I confirmed my fears. "Louis, they're back." 

The dark red car pulled to a stop. This time, only Talon came out. He laughed at us, a deep, throaty laugh that made me curl my toes. 

"Man, girl, how many boyfriends do you have?" 

Louis sighed. "Look, how much money does she owe you?" I gasped and looked up at him, shaking my head. "Louis, this is my problem, you don't have to-"

He put his finger to my lips and waited for Talon to answer. "One thousand, three hundred and forty bucks. Now an extra fifty for all of the trouble this little dame has caused. You got the cash?"

Louis didn't even bat an eye at the amount, he only took out his wallet and somehow accumulated all of the money, handing it to Talon. Talon smirked and said, "Pleasure doing business with you," and left. Just like that.

I squeezed his shoulder. "Louis, why? Why would you spend that much money on my mistakes?"

He smiled, glistening white teeth sparkling in the night. "You're worth every penny."

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