Demon Squirrel {17}

Start from the beginning

"He's fun." Ollie chuckles. It's good to see a smile back on her face, even if it takes my troublemaking cousin's antics to put it there.

"He's a pain in the ass and trouble with a capital 'T.'" I glare at his back before turning my attention back to her. "Dad's probably asleep, and you know he doesn't mind if you use our shower."

"Do you want help?" She nods toward Nan and Dameon as Nan shoves a large box in his arms when he goes for a small bag.

I'd rather her not be around him at all. "No, we're good. Dameon and I can make quick work of it."

With a nod, Ollie turns on her heels and heads toward the house. There, she'll be safe from the pest while I help Nan. I watch Ollie walk up to the house and make sure she gets in before heading to the back of the car. Dameon comes bouncing toward me after taking his latest load in. His almost white strands of longer hair fluff out with each bound.

"So!" He flashes me a white smile as he leans against the car. "Was that your girlfriend?"

I shoot him a glare and grab a box out of the trunk before shoving it at him. Is she my girlfriend? Well, she's a girl and my friend. I want to answer yes just to keep his attention off her, but it won't take him long to figure out it's a lie. "No," I mutter and grab a box.

"Excellent." The sleazy glee in his voice makes my jaw tick.

"Ollie's off limits." I shove the demon toward the house to get his ass moving. "Why the hell are you moving in with Nan?"

"Eh," he shrugs and walks across the lawn with me. "I might have caused some problems in Blair Port. Mom wasn't too happy to get a call from BPPD."

"You got arrested?" I raise a brow to my little cousin. I'm not surprised. If anything, I'm shocked he hasn't gotten his ass canned sooner.

"Little bit. Just a little slap on the wrist, but Mom said she's done. She packed up my shit and called Nan last night." A brief look of hurt passes over Dameon's face, but it soon fades to his typical I don't give a shit attitude.

It's not shocking Aunt Karen kicked his ass out. Dameon doesn't fit into her perfect cookie-cutter life. None of us do. That's why Dad, Nan, and I rarely make the one-hour drive down to Blaire Port to visit.

"Back to this girl, Ollie." Dameon flashes me a grin before bounding up the steps two at a time. "If you're not dating then why is she off limits?"

I open my mouth to answer, but nothing comes out. I don't have one, not that I think Dameon has a chance in hell with Ollie. I just don't want him pestering her to death.

"Oh!" Dameon nods. A look of understanding crosses his face. "I get it. You got the hots for her, but she's friendzoned you."

I stop midstep and glare up at him. "No, I don't have the hots for Ollie, and I'm not friendzoned."

"Denial." Dameon turns his back to me and heads into Nan's house as I follow him back to his new bedroom and set the boxes down. "First step into friendzoned realization. It's alright, cuz, I'll help get you through it."

A gleam in his eye tells me he's about to say more. Dameon walks to his door and turns. "I'll keep my window open while I fuck her brains out so you can hear her screaming my name. That should do it."

"You little shit!" I roar and chase after him as his sadistic laugh fills Nan's house.

Dameon flies out of the front door, crosses the deck, and leaps off the porch, clearing the hedge bushes.

If the little fucker thinks he can get away, he's sorely mistaken. I follow right after and tackle him to the ground. Even while pinned, Dameon watches me draw back my fist to beat the living shit out of him. Yet he still giggles like a mad man.

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