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I woke up due to shrill noise of the alarm and found myself sleeping close to him. My head was on his arm and my hand was on his chest, whereas he was hugging me tightly, like I will just run away from here. It's the urge to play with his hairs, and I listened to my heart. I moved my fingers in his hairs when he opened his eyes. As soon as he woke up, he kissed me on my forehead.

I: Good Morning.

DARSHAN: Good morning.

He said tightening his hold on me, and hugging me more closely.

I: Umm, Darshan, can you please umm let me go?

DARSHAN: It feels good, no?

It does but...

DARSHAN: Doesn't it? To me it does, and I would be grateful if you won't go.

I couldn't protest more, so I laid the way we were.

Honestly, it does feel good to be with him. Am I not okay? Why am I talking like this? But, it's the truth, it's what I feel. But ughhhhh.

My chain of thoughts were broken by him. He removed hair falling on my face, slowly with his fingers. It was kinda ticklish.

DARSHAN: Can I ask you one thing?

I nodded, looking into his eyes. This was the first time I was looking, directly in his eyes. Ahhhhhh, his eyes broooo.

DARSHAN: Remember, that day you said "You are there with me". And then you said "as long as god wants", so why not make it  like, forever? Like why not, rest the case in my hands. Why not, just.....

I: We can.

He stopped talking and stared at me for a minute, shocked.

I: Seems like a plan.

He smiled, his face literally glowed. He didnt asked for too much,though he could have.

DARSHAN: Oh my god, someone pinch me.

I kissed him on his cheek and tried to run away but he caught my arm and pulled.

DARSHAN: I asked to pinch me, Miss. Was this like complementary?

I: You're getting late for jam session.

I said while trying to loosen his grip, so that I can run away and blush properly.

DARSHAN: I dont care, I mean I always get late, why not today as well?

Shit! Mr. Raval being all romantic and flirty, early in the morning.

I: Darshan.

I said more in a pleasing way.

DARSHAN: Accha, fine answer one question and then go, okay?

I nodded, still trying to hide my blush.

DARSHAN: You hug me intentionally or like while in sleep?

No, yaar this is not done. He shouldn't have asked this. Cheatterrrrr!

DARSHAN: My answer?

I: Umm, what do you think?

DARSHAN: My thinking is endless ma'am, better to answer yourself.

I: I will tell you, but first you need to tell me how far your thinking can go.

Haha! he tried to like play with me, well I am the principal of his.

He left my arm and I ran to the living room,where he chased me and I went behind sofa.

DARSHAN: Waitt, adi.

Boon or Curse (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now