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It was the day,when we were supposed to leave for Ahemdabad,We had our flight in the night. These two days went really quick,like in a nano second maybe. I enjoyed them by thinking about start-up ideas and old bestie. Before leaving,I thought to meet Yash,my partner in the upcoming project and discuss the budget with him,so I went to his dorm.

I: Hey! Sid where is Yash?

I asked his roommate who was standing outside the room.

SID: He is inside,I have to go bye!

He said and left too quick that I couldn't even see him after half a minute.

I: Maybe his girlfriend called him.

I laughed on this and turned to open the door of his room.

I:Hi Yash!

YASH: Get lost please.

I:I came to discuss about our start-up project.

YASH: Look I am not interested in it,my girlfriend doesn't want this to happen.

I: So?You'll sacrifice your damn career?

YASH: Of course,I will

I: That is so immature of you. That's not love,okay?

YASH: It is, for me. What will you do now queen?

I: You know what, a queen without a king, is still a queen

.After a minute,I guess he did noticed me and was about to give some excuse when I ran away. My bag was in my hand, hair bun opened and tears in my eyes.

I came back to the dorm and just sat,silent and still. Thanks to God, Shayni wasn't here,she went to meet other classmates.

I: I don't understand how can people forget about their goals for a stupid thing called 'love'.


Shayni came and we both were doing last minute checks. She tried to ask,why I didn't came to the cafe to meet everyone but I just shifted the focus by asking her another question.

I was thinking something when she came and placed her hand over my shoulder


I: Hmm,Yeah.

SHAYNI: All okay?

I: Yeah yeah!


I: Yes,bro.Just a bit sad because you  will get married what will happen to me?

SHAYNI: We will settle you with his friend or something. 

I: hahah, no bro, my goal is different, my goal is to....

SHAYNI: To be country's leading businesswoman, and all this love thing is not your type.

Our few friends came to bid us goodbye and drop us till the cab on the college gate,we were about to sit when Yash came.

SHAYNI: Oh hi! Finally,you came

YASH: I had to.

I was completely ignoring him.

SHAYNI: Sorry,I am taking your partner away, your product is launching this month?

YASH: No there are some issues happening, but she'll handle it.

SHAYNI: Boss girl check.

Boon or Curse (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now