RG: Oh so you can tell.

Me: MH! They are really good!

RG: I am glad you like them. Since no one really does... Here take them.

Me: Huh... What about the others?

RG: They don't appreciate them anyways.

Me: Thank you!

I gave her one of my brightest smile that would also show a little bit of my fangs but not as much just in case it would intimidate her. She smiled back at me and ruffled my hair carefully. I could tell that she still was wary about me since I could basically lash out at her any moment when I feel threatened. I couldn't really blame her for that behavior.

Me: Soo where are the others?

RG: Oh they have a class to teach. Say dearie how about we get you out of these clothes?

Me: I would totally love that! I hate seeing white.

RG: Understandable. I think these should fit you.

She gave me a pair of dark blue matching uniform. They were stretchy and had some white and red on it.

RG: This is the schools sport uniform but it should be more comfortable for you to wear it then any other thing since they are very stretchy.

Me: Thanks.

Once I was dressed I started looking around the room and walking from one shelf to the other. I was a curious cat after all. It was only after I saw something move out of the corner of my eye that I started looking through the window. There were students outside training I assumes but by the way they were moving I could tell that they were not using their fullest potential.

Me(whispering): If he would use the water from the air he could make a platform and avoid so many earth attacks..

Nezu: You're right. I should tell that to Vlad King.

My whole attention was on the kids outside and the moving objects that I totally didn't hear Nezu coming in and stand right beside me. The moment I heard him, I jumped and I really jumped back up and landed on a nearby desk hissing and looking at him.

Nezu: I am sorry. I thought you heard me come closer.

Me: I was drawn to them so I didn't payed much attention to everything else.

Nezu: That is okay. You never saw anything else besides the white room, I assume.

Me: ...

Nezu: I am here to show you around.

Me: ...

Well it wouldn't hurt knowing how to escape.

If I knew that he would offer me that then I would have asked him immediately.

But even if I wanted to escape right now, there are too many people outside.

At least I know their quirk now.

Nezu: What are you thinking staring at them?

Me: Just how arrogant they show their skills and are not even afraid of anyone trying to figure them out.


Did I really just blur out what I was thinking?

A great way to end your escape plan before it even started!


I hope he doesn't get what I am saying!

He probably already knows that I will most likely try to escape.

Nezu: Oh but there is no need for them to hide it.

Me: What if someone turns on them?

Nezu: Never happened before.

Me: Only because it never happened doesn't mean it will never happen.

Nezu: I'll keep that in mind.

Me: Besides even if I wanted to spy on future heroes this would be the perfect chance to figure their skills out. The walls surrounding UA are not high enough to shield them from someone trying to look from a rooftop and spy. Needless to say that there are nearly no trees around the area.

RG: Oh dear. Izuku why are you thinking like this?

Me: Why not? It's survival of the fittest. If they can't survive having some tricks up their sleeves then they are not qualified to be heroes in the first place.

Nezu: I'll arrange a gardener to plant some trees. You do have a point there Izuku. We never know how the villains think.

After that he lead me out of the room and started me showing around. 

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