3. I Miss You..

Começar do início

Meanwhile Hope woke up in the middle of a cemetary she had known with her whole heart, in a city where she was born, in the place where her family was the happiest but also where half of them died, she woke up in the cemetary of New Orleans.

It has been a while since Hope had been in New Orleans and a fainted trbrid in the quarter was more gossip than what they usually would have so it spread as fast as possible. 

As Hope woke up she heard a voice behind her

"Hope?" said Freya

"Hello, Aunt Freya" said Hope with a well knowing smirk.

"So, Marcel told me what you did to Rebekah and how your switch is off" said Freya as strolled side to side.

"Well I hope that the message was clear." said Hope 

"It was, but the main question is why did you come here out of all the places" said Freya

"That is the thing I did not some weird elounor or shit name from triad whatever that dumbass somehow made me drop basically drop and faint and the next thing I know is that I wake up here." said Hope.

"Well when someone takes in a tribrid with humanity off and drops her into her hometown and also the place where her family died that can only mean one thing." said Freya

"What exactly" said Hope

"They want you to turn your humanity back on." said Freya

"Well nowadays I think everyone wants that, but no one can." said Hope

"Well family is not just no one" said Freya

"They are in my language" said Hope

"Well we do not follow your language here" said Freya

"What are you upto" asked Hope

"What do you mean I am just having a chat with you." said Freya

"Your stalling" said Hope

"You were always smart" said Freya as she started chanting a spell.

"Do you really think you are more powerful than me?" said Hope

"You will be surpried." said Freya as she cast the spell and Hope fainted but Freya was just in time to catch her.

The next thing Hope knew she was inside the basement of her old house where Marcel and her father were once trapped.

As she regained conscious she saw that she was chained and that her eyesight was a little blurry but she could see Freya sitting on the other side.

"So this is family's bond I guess" said Hope

"Trust me you will thank me later" said Freya

"So what is your plan? to starve me and keep me locked up?" said Hope

"Yeah pretty much" said Freya

"Well you should know that these chains may work on a normal vampire but I am a werewolf and witch as well and I can easily break it." said Hope with a smirk

Freya took a step back as Hope continued, "What happened? you scared?" said Hope as she broke the metal chains on her ight hand and then on her left and before you could tell she was already free and Freya tried running but Hope was faster so she rushed past her and gave her a light head snap to make her faint as she said, "I hope this gives a clear enough message"

After that she left New Orleans without even looking back, she knew that she was done with the place. She took a car and drove it down till she could not anymore. She made sure to drive as far away as she can from all of this shit and assholes. She has gone too far and there was no coming back.

Meanwhile back at the school Cleo was in a room with Jed and Kaleb still confused on what to do.

"What did they say?" said Kaleb

"Well Keelin is not allowing Freya to be the headmistress because they have a kid themselves and they cannot leave New Orleans and Kol and Davina did not pick up whereas Marcel and Rebekah are just not ready for it because they might turn human soon." said Cleo

"So we then have to contact Miss Forbes there is no other option left" said Jed

"I mean the school starts in 5 days we cannot risk this anymore we have to contact her because we have no time left" added Kaleb

"So we have decided we cannot handle this and we are passing this over to Miss Forbes." said Cleo

"Yeah" said Kaleb

"Then I will go contact Miss Forbes and let's hope this just gets over soon." said Cleo

With that all of them went to their own place when Lizzie found Josie standing in the main hall over the stairs. (The place where they used to eat meals and all and also the place where miss mystic falls was held but above the stairs.) 

"Hey Josie" said Lizzie moving towards Josie

"Hi..." replied Josie

"Are you okay" asked Lizzie

"I don't know honestly" Replied Josie

"I know that today was tough and that I did not make it any easier but...." said Lizzie

"Lizzie, why are you here?" asked Josie knowing that Lizzie was here for some other reason.

"To tell you that you are not entirely correct" said Lizzie

"What?" said Josie meeting Lizzie's eyes.

"Yesterday when you told me about love? it was not entirely correct. I may have never been in love but I think it means that the person you are in love with is the person who knows you before you even tell them about yourself, the person who make look opposite from outside but deep down is the same as you, and I believe that you find love in hatred or us against the world." said Lizzie as she sighed.

"Josie we are in a dangerous war and we do not know when we might become the prey so I think you should be with someone you are in love with and not waste your time." said Lizzie as Josie walked out of the room but Lizzie understood that Josie understood her.

Meanwhile Josie went to the bathroom and called a number with it going to a voice mail and she said. "Why could you not have just told me before leaving me? why play with me? was that who I was to you? A toy? Did you even love me or was that just a lie too? I know that you will never here this but... I love you and I want you back." 

After that she burst into tears as she cut the call knowing that she will never be able to be with the one she loves because she is not here with her.

Meanwhile Lizzie was still in the meal room but then she started walking down the stairs towards the floor and as she reached the middle of the meal room she mumbled, "I miss you...". After that a tear rolled down her cheek but she quickly wiped it off and went to bed knowing that tomorrow would be better it had to be. 

Once again the school was divided, vulnerable, tensed, troubled and what not at the same time. But I guess it was the story of my life. 

Wow this was a very interesting chapter if you pay attention to the details and I can tell that people are gonna be very confused for this chapter. The next chapter will probably have less hope and also humanity hope might be back soon I am just saying. This was not as heavy as the usual chapters but nevertheless still pretty heavy.

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Lover..... (Legacies AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora