Chapter Fourteen

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Silence, deathly, and nerve-wracking. Only the faint sound of water rippling in the lake and the slight movement of trees filled the air.

Jungkook and Hana had frozen in their spot. No one said anything as Jungkook avoided Hana's piercing gaze. It had been a few good minutes since he declared that he would tell Hana everything. But only now did he realize how hard it is to pull out words stuck at the tip of his tongue.

"I think you might want to sit down for this," he smiled while rubbing his neck awkwardly.

Hana gave him a look before walking towards where Remi was sitting. Hana relaxed when she saw that Remi had calmed down. It meant there's no more danger. Hana sighed and quietly sat down beside Remi and ruffled his fur.

"What are you waiting for?" Hana asked when she saw Jungkook was still in the same spot.

Jungkook cleared his throat before taking a few steps towards Hana. He was close enough so that Hana could hear him but not close enough to startle her. He knew that his actions must have shocked her.

Jungkook met Hana's anticipating gaze before speaking, "So I am not human,"

"I guessed that much," Hana interrupted.

"Yeah," he chuckled nervously. "I am a vampire," He stated.

Hana didn't react-she already expected something out of this world for an answer. Strangely enough, Hana didn't feel scared like she did moments ago. She couldn't recognize that Jungkook-he wasn't Jungkook but a reflection of something he didn't want to be. Hana could see that in his eyes. The pain was clear as day in them.

Hana didn't say anything, and her silence urged Jungkook to continue. "I wasn't always like this," he started, catching Hana's gaze, "almost a century ago, my father converted me."

"Against my will," he said under his breath.

Hana's eyes squinted in confusion, "What do you mean by that?"

"Umm, it's a long story," he murmured.

"I have plenty of time," Hana urged. She leaned calmly against Remi, looking at Jungkook expectantly. Remi raised his head to look back at Hana and then snuggled closer to her. The warmth Remi radiated calmed Hana's nerves, but deep in her heart, she knew she didn't have the heart to digest what Jungkook was about to tell her.

Jungkook fell silent again, so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even pay attention to Hana calling him.

"Look, Jungkook, I know it's hard for you. You don't have to tell me, I understand-," Hana was abruptly cut by Jungkook.

"I was fourteen when my mother passed away," He started, his voice low and trembling. "She was always so jolly and healthy, but her death was so sudden, everyone said she must've caught on a disease. Maybe it was so common back then-deaths from diseases-everyone believed it." Jungkook scoffed, "I called it bullshit. I knew my mother-she couldn't have died from a disease. I knew something was up, so I started questioning my father and everyone I knew that was related to my mother's death." Jungkook was getting sucked into his past. All his bitter memories came rushing back that he could almost taste the bitterness at the back of his throat.

"My relationship with my father wasn't great from the get-go. I remember how scared I was of him," Jungkook's eyes flashed with so many clear emotions that Hana was taken aback for a moment. She scooted closer to where Jungkook was standing and pulled on his pants, telling him silently to sit down. But he didn't budge.

"I am not scared of you," Jungkook, Hana said, and when she did, she was shocked at how sure she sounded.

"You should be," Jungkook looked down at her and flashed a sad smile before finally settling beside her. Hana immediately intertwined her arm with his and grabbed his hand. Jungkook tried to push her away, but she stayed put and firm.

"I honestly do not care what you are," she started. "A vampire, a werewolf, or an alien, I literally give zero shit. I care about you, Jungkook, and nothing can change that," that was Hana speaking through her heart, and every word was nothing but sincere.

When Jungkook looked at Hana again, there was a spark in them again. That same spark that his gaze always holds and makes her heat race. But it was gone as quick as it came.

"But I hurt you," Jungkook sounded like a child that was confessing to his mistake. "I could've killed you, Hana," his voice was more serious this time, "I-I," Jungkook stammered. He was so caught up in his anger that he couldn't form words.

"Shush-shush!! Look at me!" Hana grabbed his face and turned it towards herself. "Calm down!" She said sternly. "Am I hurt? Do I look scared? NO! Jungkook, if that were the case, I would be running back home and packing my bags," she stated. "And I know any sane person would be running for their life, but I am crazy. I study exotic animals, and treating them is my job." Hana said sternly. She wanted to tell Jungkook that she wasn't scared of him. If anything, Hana was even more intrigued. She had always been the girl that loved being near danger- always trying something extraordinary.

"But this is different," Jungkook said softly, looking into her eyes. He untangled himself from her and slid away, even though he loved being near her. "I am not an exotic animal Hana, I am a monster." He stated.

"No, you're not," Hana came back, "Who said you are?"

"Everyone," Jungkook interrupted. "Hana, you have no idea how many people I killed when I became a vampire." Jungkook continued his story, "I was in a rage when I found out that my mother died because she was trying to satisfy my father with her blood. She sacrificed herself-no-he murdered her, and I can never forgive him for that." He looked at Hana. "He stole everything from me Hana everything. My mother, my childhood, my humanity, and you." Jungkook ended bitterly.

"What? How did he steal me from you?" Hana was even more confused, "I've heard many unbelievable things today, and, somehow, I only find this weird."

"After I found out the truth, my father started treating me differently. He wouldn't allow me food for days, forced me to have ice cold baths, and would have his men beat me up. It was as if he was trying to make me immune to these things." Jungkook told, looking far onto the lake. "And then one day he did the unexpected," Jungkook winced when he remembered the scene. "He gathered all his men to beat me up, and I thought it would be like before. They'll beat me until I pass out and then leave me. But this time was like no other- it was clear that they were trying to kill me. I was about to pass out when I saw my father pull out his gun, and he shot me." Jungkook closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. "I was dead-I felt it."

"Then what happened," Hana asked quietly.

"I woke up,"

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