Chapter Five

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"W-what?" Hana stammered. She couldn't digest the words that came out of Jungkook's mouth. "You're joking, right?"

"I wish I was," Jungkook's voice dropped many octaves. He didn't sound like himself. His head hung low, raven black hair falling to his eyes. When he raised his head again to speak, Hana swore she saw a red flash through his eyes. The atmosphere had completely changed around them.

"Jungkook," Hana started, "Wha-"

"I think you should leave," Jungkook urged before Hana could say anything. He knew that he would break in front of her if he said anything else.

"Oh, okay," Hana whispered, "I'll see you tomorrow," she said as she walked past him. Hana felt broken and defeated as she walked out of the garden. Her entire body was resisting the steps she was taking. Her heart was begging to turn around. But her mind was giving off warning signals, and unsurprisingly it was the loudest.

She quietly walked away and didn't turn back. Hana only stopped when she returned home. Her mind was on a rampage.

"What the hell just happened?" She said to herself. Finally, her legs gave up on her, and she dropped to the ground.

"Hana?" Mrs. Wang asked as she walked into the living room. "Oh my God! HANA! are you okay?" She ran towards Hana and kneeled before her. "Are you hurt?" She hurriedly asked as she took Hana's face in her hands and started inspecting her.

"I am fine, auntie." Hana took Mrs. Wang's hands in hers and brought them down from her face to her lap. "Just tired," her voice was weak, and she felt as if she might faint any moment.

Come on, get up. Mrs. Wang tried to hoist her up, but Hana's body wasn't cooperating.

Hana couldn't understand why she had lost all her energy all of a sudden. She hadn't done anything that would consume her stamina. She hadn't felt this weak in years.

I am a medical major, for crying out loud, she thought.

"Oi, what's all this commotion," footsteps approached from the kitchen.

"Taehyung, help me," Mrs. Wang said as she looked up at him. "She's losing consciousness,"

Taehyung's sleepy expression turned into worry as he rushed over to them. "Oh God, Hana, what happened?" He bent down and picked her up.

"Oh? it's TaeTae," Hana weakly said with a smile on her lips as she went in and out of consciousness.

"Hi, cubby," Taehyung smiled down at her as he carried her to her room, a worried Mrs. Wang hot on their tail. "This isn't exactly how I imagined I would meet you after four years, Taehyung said to her, but Hana had blackout already.

He entered her room after Mrs. Wang opened the door for him. Taehyung gently laid her down, and Mrs. Wang tucked her in.

"I wonder what happened to her," Mrs. Wang whispered as if she was the only one in the room.

"Maybe all the years of hard work caught up to her," Taehyung guessed. He sat down on the floor near the bed and placed his chin on the edge as he looked up at Mrs. Wang, stroking Hana's hair. "You know how she's like."

"I don't think that is the reason," Mrs. Wang started, "She's a tough girl. A bit of hard work wouldn't be the reason," Mrs. Wang sighed as she finally realized what the reason might be.

Then what is it? Taehyung asked.

"She had a panic attack," Mrs. Wang said with surety. "The only time she collapsed like this was when Sana passed away."

"Are you sure?" Mrs. Wang nodded as an answer. "If that is true, then what triggered it?"

"I wish I knew," Mrs. Wang said weakly. "Come on, let's go. She needs to rest," Mrs. Wang stood up after kissing her forehead.

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