Chapter Twelve

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It was late, the house silent except for the occasional creak of settling wood. Hana had accepted Jungkook's offer to stay the night, her exhaustion from the day's events finally catching up to her. She made a brief call to Mrs. Wang to assure her of her safety, though Mrs. Wang's initial worries were palpable. After reassurances from both Jin and Jungkook, Mrs. Wang reluctantly agreed to let Hana stay.

"I hope you'll like my cooking," Jin said warmly as he placed a steaming plate of pasta in front of Hana.

"This looks delicious, thank you," Hana replied gratefully, diving into the food with a hunger she hadn't realized she had. Jin had a knack for whipping up quick and comforting meals, and tonight's pasta was no exception.

As they ate, Jungkook and Jin exchanged knowing glances. Remi, usually glued to Jungkook's side, had positioned himself beside Hana's chair instead—a betrayal that amused Jungkook more than it bothered him. He couldn't deny the growing connection between Hana and himself, nor could he ignore the inevitable complications it might bring.

During a lull in the conversation, Jin cleared his throat, intending to steer the discussion. "So, Hana," he began, earning a cautionary glance from Jungkook who knew Jin's tendency to be blunt. "What brings you here to Busan?"

Hana paused, glancing at Jungkook for a moment before answering. "I thought Jungkook might've mentioned," she started, but Jungkook shrugged noncommittally.

"No, no, I know why you're here," Jungkook interjected quickly, tapping the table nervously. "But what brings you to Busan?" he redirected, hoping to smooth over the awkwardness.

Hana sighed softly, her expression thoughtful. "We have a family farmhouse here," she explained quietly. "I just needed some time to myself, to clear my thoughts before I move abroad soon."

Jungkook and Jin exchanged a look, both feeling a pang of unease at Hana's revelation. The atmosphere shifted subtly as if the entire mood had taken a sudden turn.

"Did I say something wrong?" Hana asked tentatively, setting her fork down and looking between the two of them with concern.

Jin was quick to respond, his tone slightly strained. "Uh, no, not at all," he said awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood. "So, what are you planning to do abroad?" Jin added hastily, shooting a meaningful look at Jungkook, who seemed lost in thought.

"Yeah, Korea has everything," Jungkook muttered absently, caught off guard by Jin's sudden prompt.

Hana noticed the shift in Jungkook's demeanour, a flicker of sadness crossing his face before he looked away. She felt a pang of guilt as if she had inadvertently brought up a sensitive topic.

"Um, excuse me," Hana said softly, interrupting the heavy silence. "I'm feeling a bit dizzy. May I be excused?"

Jin nodded immediately, standing up from the table. "Of course, let me show you to your room," he offered kindly, motioning for her to follow him.

As they walked towards the staircase, Hana stole a glance back at Jungkook, who seemed lost in his thoughts. She hesitated for a moment, wanting to stay back and ask him if something was wrong. There was an undeniable pull she felt towards him, an inexplicable connection that intrigued and confused her.

Jin led her to a smaller guest room, different from the one she had woken up in earlier. It was plain and functional, lacking the balcony and personal touches. "Here you are," Jin said with a warm smile as he opened the door for her.

"Thank you," Hana replied softly, offering him a grateful smile before stepping inside.

"If you need anything, just come and find me. I'll be right across the hall," Jin reassured her before closing the door gently behind him.

Alone in the room, Hana lay down on the bed, feeling the effects of the medication creeping in. Her mind, usually bustling with thoughts, felt strangely empty and calm. She didn't fight the drowsiness that washed over her; instead, she let herself succumb to sleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night, Hana stirred awake to the sound of scratching at the door. She blinked groggily, searching for her phone before remembering she had left it downstairs. Sitting up, she listened closely, realizing it was Remi scratching at the door outside her room.

"Hey, baby boy," Hana murmured sleepily, opening the door to let Remi in. She expected him to follow her back to bed, but to her surprise, he darted out of the room and down the hallway.

Confused and half-asleep, Hana hurried after him, calling his name softly. Remi's scratching and whining intensified as he led her downstairs, his urgency palpable.

Finally, Remi halted in front of a window, his tail wagging anxiously as he glanced back at Hana. She approached slowly, her confusion growing. "What's wrong, Remi?" she whispered, crouching down to his level. "Do you want to come back inside?"

Remi barked softly, his eyes fixed on something outside the window. Before Hana could react, he leapt through the window and disappeared into the darkness.

"Remi, no!" Hana gasped, startled by his sudden action. Without a second thought, she dashed out of the house after him, her heart racing with worry. The late hour and darkness didn't deter her; all she could think about was finding Remi and making sure he was safe.

She raced down the street, calling Remi's name frantically into the night.

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