"Are you it is safe? And what will happen if I miss someone?" he asked Gabriel before his cousin was waving his hand dismissively. Aaron sighed before he concentrated on his mental ability which was known as telepathy as he was connecting to all the people on the island as far as he could reach. He can hear their thoughts, fears, and hopelessness.

Aaron soothed them out as he was murmuring some good condolences as he was instructing them to forget two people that arrived on their island a week ago. He gave the specific details of their arrivals and after a few minutes, Aaron drew back from their minds as Gabriel grabbed his arms. Aaron felt dizzy but he knew that it worked.

And right now, they needed to get away from this island as early as they could.

"Nice job, coz. Now, it's time for us to disappear from here and go back to our jobs," Gabriel said as Aaron laughed before he coughed. He was holding his hand to his mouth, feeling something against his fingers. Sure enough, when he looked at them, there was blood on them. Gabriel tsked. "We need to find your mate sooner or later or you will be drained much more after every time you use your power," Gabriel stated.

He was carrying Aaron from the main lobby, went to their suite to get their stuff before they sneaked out on the back after paying (and then cleansed the memory of ever doing so to the receptionist of the hotel) before Gabriel Kovacs and Aaron Covaci got off from the island as they took their planes first thing before the sun rose.


Astrid was looking at the fire that she knew that someone of Pure Blood could be responsible for. She scanned the ground to look for her target, Aaron, and his cousin but sure enough, they were never there. She tsked as Astrid stepped down from the rooftop, landing softly on the ground as she went to scan among the ashes. She felt the dark aura that surrounded the area as the fire consumed an entire row of buildings as she was trying to find some clues of what happened there.

For all, she could remember, Aaron Covaci or his cousin, Gabriel Kovacs was not any of the Pure Blood that could control fire, which was known as Pyrokinesis. Gabriel was the opposite of that, for he could control ice which was known as Cryokinesis. The Huntress looked around the ashes before she found a clue. A clue that would take her out of Sicily and go back to where she was working from.

But before she could do any of that, the instruction was clear for her to go and have a visit with her family back up north as it was time for the graduation party of her only cousin. His Holiness also asked her to lay low hence she decided to go to Norway, for it was the best thing that she could come up with to sort out her feelings that were developed for one Aaron Covaci. She gripped the evidence of strands of rust hair as Astrid put it into the Ziploc that she carried around with her. Then, she sighed as she was looking at the dawn skies.

"I guess it's time for a detour then," she said before she turned her back on the ruined buildings that were burned to ashes and went away from the complicated double life that she managed since she was a child.


Bianca Belmonte did not know if she was awake or she was having a very lucid dream right now. She can feel everything around her, of course, for the wind swayed against the leaves of the dark forest that she was standing at the center of right now. And there were some houses that were standing tall all over the ground.

She knew that she was somewhere else, somewhere that she had been dreaming for days now. Then, she was looking at the two people that were coming at her. A couple of men and women around their mid-forties as they're fast approaching her, tears on their faces.

"Sweet mercy, is it really you? My daughter? You have returned to us," the man said as he was gripping his wife—Bianca presumed—as the woman was crying silently as the tears were soaking her eyes.

"No, it cannot be. We thought, we thought you would never be awakened," the woman whispered before she stepped forward. Bianca did not know who this couple was but when the woman hugged her into her arms, all of a sudden, there was a lock on her previous memories that Bianca did not know where there.

She was running through the forest as a child, wearing only a blouse and a long skirt as the man was chasing her. Then, she was running toward the woman that was hugging her, calling her with the name she did not know it was possible for her to call.

"Mama! Mama! Help me, Papa's trying to eat me," she shouted as the child before the woman hugged her as the man was coming around them before hugging them into his arms.

"I've got you now, pumpkin. And you can never escape me," her father said as her mother laughed at her husband.

"Oh, hush. You scare our little girl," her mother said before she was kissing Bianca's cheeks. She giggled before the man was kissing the woman as the wind swayed the leaves of the dark forest where they were residing.

Bianca blinked as she was looking at the older woman who was smiling. She felt the tears on her eyes as she was sobbing silently when she was holding the older woman—her mother—and the older man—her father—hands. She was smiling at the couple before she was hugging them in earnest this time.

"Welcome back," the couple whispered to Bianca as she was hugging them. The tears were running down her cheeks as she was smiling, happy to be home at last. Where she belonged.

"I'm home, Mama, Papa. And I will never leave your sight again," she whispered, making a vow as the family of three was hugging each other, knowing that the day Bianca was home will be short as the prophecy predicted.

Kraving Kovacs (Vexing Vamp #1)Where stories live. Discover now