"Now, listen and listen carefully for I will not repeat myself. I want you to treat Bianca well and do not ever, I repeat ever, touch her. Not if you value your head and I will make sure that the consequence of even touching her hair will be dire. Do you understand?" he said before the manager blinked at him, putting it away to memory as his body would remember the threat.

Gabriel smirked before he waved his hand away and the manager staggered out of the alley as he was shaking his head before he was looking at his surroundings. He cursed before he went into the store again as Gabriel blended with the shadows and waited for Bianca's shift to be over.

What an hour anyway? he thought as he was smirking before going to wait for her in the corner of the store.


Bianca felt giddy for the first time in her life. She never thought that a handsome stranger would come into the store and ask her to go on a date with him, considering that she was plain with rusty hair and amber eyes. Everyone cannot attract Gabriel Kovacs with her look but Bianca did it.

And the sight of Gabriel waiting for her at the front of the store was something to store in her memory vividly after their summer fling was over.

Gabriel was leaning against the wall of the store as he was staring at the skies. His throat was a column that Bianca wanted to worship but for now, she can only stare with her eyes. She gulped before she was making her way toward him. Gabriel turned to smile at her as he pushed away from the wall and walked toward her they met halfway.

Bianca could smell the masculine scent of pine and the forest that was his. Gabriel Kovacs was a person that could have any woman in the world but he was with her right now. He smiled at her as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Are you ready? I don't think that I want to spend more time here without you, Bianca," he said with his velvet voice as Bianca nodded at him, not trusting her voice to speak. Gabriel smiled before he took her hand into his.

"Let's go on our date then," he said as they were walking into the town square before Gabriel was leading her away from the crowd. She was distracted as she was feeling the sensation of his hand around hers and before she knew it, they were standing in front of a hotel. Perhaps this is where he stays, Bianca thought before she gulped. She did not know that they would be going back to his hotel for the first date!

"Do not be alarmed. I just set up our date here because I want some privacy and..." Gabriel said as he rubbed his neck. Bianca turned to look at him before arching her eyebrows.

"And what?" she asked softly before Gabriel turned to look at her face. She blushed before Gabriel smirked.

"I cooked for our date and I don't want us to go picnicking when I can prepare it here," he said before Gabriel turned away. Bianca's heart melted at the thought before she tugged him forward, trusting him to treat her with the respect and dignity that she knew he had.

"Well, since you're working hard to prepare it for me, I think it would be an honor to eat it with you, Gabe," Bianca said before Gabriel turned to look at her face. Then, his face lit up and they went inside the hotel as Gabriel was leading her to his room.

"Just for the record, I did not stay here alone but I am staying with my cousin. But he's out right now so we're alone," Gabriel said as he was unlocking the door before opening it and stepping back, waiting for Bianca to enter first.

"After you, my lady," he said before Bianca turned to look at him. She smiled before she looked around as he switched the lights on. The hotel suite was nice as they were big and spacious.

"You must be a rich man to afford this room," Bianca said as she was looking around. She heard that Gabriel chuckling before she turned around to see that he was rolling his sleeves to his elbows before he ushered her to the kitchen. He pulled the chair for her as Bianca took her seat. Then, Gabriel was pulling the food that he cooked for their date, and Bianca's mouth watered as she saw the medium-rare steaks, some lasagna, and red wine. She turned to look at Gabriel before he was sharpening the meat cutter before he was smiling at her.

"I hope you like steak. I don't know if you're practicing some special diet or—"

"No, no. My diet is normal and I love steak," she said before she was smiling at him. Gabriel smiled back before cutting the meats into smaller pieces and putting them onto their plates. Bianca popped the wine with its opener before she poured the wine into their glasses. She noticed that they worked together as a married couple. She blushed when she thought about it.

"Care to share what's making you blush, Bianca?" Gabriel asked her before she turned to look at him. Gabriel was holding the wine glasses before handing one to her.

"Nothing, just noting that no one's ever done this for me before, treating me like I am someone special," she said honestly before Bianca noticed that Gabriel's icy eyes were darkened.

"Then, they're fools for not treating you less than you deserve, Bianca," he said before he was blinking his eyes and he was smiling at her. "But enough about that, tonight is about us and I would love to get to know you better, Bianca love," Gabriel said as he clicked his glass with hers. "Cheers to our first date,"

"Cheers," Bianca replied as they drank while Gabriel's icy orbs were focusing on her amber eyes. It was unnerving for she did not know this stranger. He could be a serial killer but the heat that was hidden behind his eyes told Bianca that Gabriel Kovacs had another motive with their first date entirely.

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