Gabriel turned to look at the town square that was gradually opening as he was feeling something in his gut. He always believed in his gut feeling for everything that led him to be in Sicily for his vacation was because of his gut.

And this feeling told him that something that belonged to him from the beginning was calling to him. Could it be the mating call from the woman that was destined to be his mate? Or was it because he wanted to believe so badly that a woman was waiting for him to claim in Sicily?

Both ways, he was here now and the only thing to do was to find out for himself.

"Woah! That was a relief," Aaron said as his voice carried to Gabriel before he went into the living room and closed the balcony door. Aaron arched his eyebrow at his cousin before settling himself in front of the food trays while searching for a beef sandwich.

"Will you come and join me for breakfast? There was nothing to do except to go to bed later and we will be looking around the town square when the sun is set. So, come on, coz, eat your fill," Aaron said as he was biting into the sandwich.

Most people would think that Blue Blood cannot eat human food. It was delusional since they could tolerate it but they also needed blood to sustain the food that they'd eaten along with it.

"Well, don't mind me if I do," Gabriel said as he was smiling at his cousin, taking a plate of omelets and setting it in front of him. Taking a fork, he ate the food as they were feeling the sun rising and filled the room with its warmth as they were concealed in the shadow of the dawn before they retired for the morning.

"So, what will you do for our first day in Sicily? I think I ought to check some locals and maybe get food if you like for us to cook instead of ordering food service," he said before Aaron arched his eyebrow.

"You want to cook?" his cousin asked before Gabriel nodded.

"It's not that we can't have some food delivered to our suite but it will be better if we know what we're eating ourselves and will not have any worry if someone might be putting something that can harm us while we're here," Gabriel said as he forked another piece of the omelet. Aaron nodded.

"You're right. Perhaps we could avoid being poisoned with Hemlock while we're here," Aaron said before Gabriel glared at him.

"I am being serious,"

"So am I," Aaron said before he sighed and rubbed his face, "Look, it's not that the Order will be coming for us for they did not know that we exist and we're away from Romania. You can turn down a notch on your paranoia for this month, okay?" he said before Gabriel sighed.

Even though most people will not believe that Vampires are no longer around to terrorize them, the Order of Holy, a group of hunters had been formed to protect humans from being terrorized by the Vampire, has been around as long as the Vampire and Blue Blood had coexisted.

Maybe they won't know that Gabriel and Aaron, two of the Originals, were out of Romania and would find the time to attack them. Maybe they will be sending a hunter against them to take them out while they are away from their families. Either way, Gabriel will not have a chance to lie back and not be paranoid about being hunted.

"You do that. I will be on guard for the both of us since I know that you will not take that responsibility for both of us," he said grunting at Aaron as his cousin just smirked at him.

"You're grumpy when you're tired. I cannot imagine if your mate finds you and decides that you're too tough to live with when you wake up every morning as a grouch," Aaron said before Gabriel was rolling his eyes at his cousin.

"At least I found my mate and I will not be grumpy anymore if I can wake up and do wicked things to her every morning," he replied before Aaron was choking on his coffee. Gabriel smirked victoriously.

"Hell. You should wash your mouth with soap, cousin because I'm sure as hell that your parents did not just raise you to speak like that," Aaron said before Gabriel shrugged.

"They're not here and I am an adult now. I can curse or speak vulgarly if I want to. We're Blue Blood for hell's sake and believe me when I tell you it is normal for us to be talking like this," he said before Aaron shook his head and stood up to head to his bedroom.

"Alright, I will be taking my sleep now. I think the housekeeping can come in if you're asked the front desk but I prefer when we're out," Aaron said as Gabriel nodded. They cannot risk anyone being inside their room when they're there and they will expose themselves if they're not too careful.

"I think we can let them know later and for the trays, I think we can just leave them outside. Isn't that how it was supposed to be?" he asked before Aaron nodded.

"Yeah, you do that. And hit the sack because tonight will be painting the town red, coz," he said before Gabriel gathered their empty plates and rolled the trolley out of their room. He put the 'Do Not Disturb' card on their doorknob before hitting his bed in his bedroom as he was looking at the window.

The gut feeling was still there and as Gabriel closed his eyes, he could imagine the moment that he met his mate for the first time as butterflies were filling his stomach as if in anticipation for it to happen at any time.

Kraving Kovacs (Vexing Vamp #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz