Mysterious Metal (1)

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(Note: in the drama it state that the amulet made from Yin metal but I'm going by the book.)

"Fine, Sect leader Wen sends me here to look for a mysterious metal piece."

Mysterious metal?

"Oh! What the metal was for?"

"I don't know, my mission is to located the metal and then inform sect leader Wen."

"See, we could talk nicely. Now bye bye!"

"She just let her go? Just like that?"
"She have her own plan."

Wen Qing could only express her displease by glaring at her once before leaving.

Wei ying look around the mountain for a bit, there was nothing to be amazed aside from beautiful scenery and maybe rabbit? Wait rabbits?

Wei ying meet some difficulties in her research, mostly because there was no record of such metals.


Sure there was some random metals that could be forged into a sword or other weapons but Sect leader Wen must already have thousands of them...why would he task his beloved niece to find it.

"Oh wow, the genius also unable to search for something?"
"Well consider that no one want to write such dangerous metals down unless they hope that people get greedy again."

"Jie, what are you doing?"

Meng yao is very confused seeing a-ying jie surrounded by books and scrolls. He know a-ying Jie did read a lot of books and scrolls but she never or barely surrounded by it. Yet now every corner of the room is fill with paper and the smell of the books and old scrolls penetrate his nose.

"Oh a-yao, where a-yang?"
"He went to town, he said there was new sweets and he want to be the first customer."
"Hm, I talk with Miss Wen and she talk about some mysterious metal that Sect leader Wen seem to be very much want."

He pick a book up and sure enough it about all the metals in the world and what it was used for and the good of such metals. He quickly swipe his glance and find that everything related to metals was here. You can even find scrolls about metals that was even rarer then gold.

"She is going all out."
"I can't read that much, my head hurt already."
"Hey! Don't act too cocky."

"Jie, are you sure Miss Wen is telling the truth?"
"I'm sure she is, Miss Wen might have other hidden agenda but she is truly looking for something. Hey a- yao, do you think the Lan elders and sect leader know about it? You know, the metal?"

"If Sect leader Wen know and even make his beloved niece to find it, I fear the other sect leaders also know about it."

"But why only Sect leader Wen move? Was it because only a fews know or because.... He already have another piece?"


"I think that is it!!! It's not that no one know, it's just that only Sect leader Wen already and might have other pieces. Which make him want more to complete the puzzles. Everyone else's might only have one or none so they don't feel the need to find out more."

"Or maybe no one know the metal power..."

"I'm lose..."
"How did they come to that conclusion?"

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