Eldest jade being the best wingman in the entire Gusu!!!

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(This chapter might be shorter then usual because I spent more of my creativity in another chapters, so...enjoy)


Usually man and woman in Cloud recesses was restricted form meeting alone, the incident with the Jin also make the rule even more strict. But Xichen bend the rule enough that his brother is the one that would be in the library with Lady Wei. Certainly the talking (more like convincing) took a bit of talking but he gladly do it.

"Xichen, tell me why you let your brother with Miss Wei together in the library?"
"Ah! Uncle, Wangji is the head of the punishment and since Miss Wei is new. I fear that other disciples unable to watch her and brother should also learn to interact with other."

Of course he completely forget to add that Wangji is head over heel for Miss Wei. He was sure his uncle would faint once again if he dare uttered a word of that matter.

"Omg! He really did bend the rules!!"
"Everyone call me the most un Lan! Look at Zewu-Jun he also broke rules."
"Jingyi, I'm not breaking your dream as a normal Lan, but damn! You are still the most un Lan to ever Lan in the Lan history."

"Hmm uncle? Wangji is very happy and the wedding should be grand."
"I already have list of names for my beloved nephew and nieces~"

If anyone heard and see that Zewu-jun ignores his uncle...no you don't.

He hope that the interaction would go smoothly but of course he never expected to find his brother fainted on the library floor with the reddest ears and blissful smile upon his lips.

"Where the smile?"
"At this point isn't Zewu-Jun just saying it!"
"No no no- look at the curves, he smile."

Everyone look harder at the screen but to them the faint beauty mouth is perfectly straight without a hint of curves.

When Wangji woke up there still wasn't much talking, they just look at each other and the tale was untold. And he was very happy his plan worked, soon he have to sent the betrothal letter soon he can't wait until someone do it first and his brother will be sad.

He look into his brother eyes and he quickly ensure his brother need.

"Don't worry wangji, brother will sent the letter soon and the new lotus pond will be build soon."
"And don't worry the name for my nephew and niece will be approve soon."

"Oh god that was so cute."

Xichen body stopped, did Wangji just call him dada? Wangji haven't call him that since he learn formal way of addressing him. Oh god have mercy on his poor heart, his brother is so cute. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!


If one have said months ago that the twin jades took turn fainting, no one would have believed such thing but alas, Lan xichen simply faint due to his brother extreme cuteness.

No one said anything as most of the girls bask in the cuteness glory while the man simply nod and suddenly find the rock extremely interesting.

Lan qiren? Oh don't worry he still haven't awoke from last fainting spell yet.

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