Chapter 2: Here Comes The Snow

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It was half past 11 at night as I walked through the streets of Liverpool back to the tube station in the dark, the roads were dimly lit by street lanterns and I felt slightly uneasy about being out this late by myself in a big city. Fortunately though, nothing had happened and I was fine. Even if something unsafe had transpired I knew I had a small vile of pepper spray in my inside pocket just in case. I had just come back from John's apartment, after Eleanor and I stayed for dinner. We had spent the day talking listening to music and playing some board games together, until finally it was time for us to get home.

I walked down the stairs of the tube station and at the same time I was rummaging through my stuff for my ticket. I felt the wallet belonging to the old man from this morning at the bottom of my bag. I stopped in my tracks. Standing still on the middle of the stairs I took it out of my bag to take another look. It certainly was a lot of money five, maybe six hundred pounds? I know I could have kept it and it would have made me half a thousand pounds richer, but I would have felt incredibly guilty.

I flipped through the stack of money seeing if there was maybe anything else there, and then I saw something fall out. A blue and white printed business card landed on the stairs a few steps down from where I was standing.

I walked down to the bottom of the staircase and bent over to pick it up. It was warm, that's the only way I know how to describe the feeling it gave me, it was like it emitted a great energy from within the thin cardboard, which seemed impossible. On the front -the side that was showing upwards when lying on the floor- it had the same design as the pin that the man dropped earlier.

It was blue and white and said 'the cavern club' in curvy black letters. In addition to that it also had the phone number and the address on it; 10 Mathew street St, Liverpool L2 6RE. I turned the card over in my hand and there was some writing on the back of it, that wasn't printed onto the card but rather written with a black marker. "Don't tell anyone." It said, and right next to it, the number "-56  1/2"


I held the card between my fingers while looking through the other crooks and folds of the wallet, I always noticed that with old wallets there were usually a lot of slots and hidden places that you could put things, and every time you folded open another part it would reveal more hidden little things.

I noticed that there was a piece of paper in one of them. I slid it out, revealing an old black and white portrait photograph of a young man that looked a lot like the man to whom the wallet belonged. Maybe it was his son or something, but seeing as the photograph was black and white and looked kind of old, I reasoned that it was him when he was young. But I somehow felt like I had seen this picture before.

I stood there on the stairs trying to remember but it was no use, what it did do was give me an idea. I took my phone out of my shoulder bag and quickly started dialling the number that was on the card, the phone range a couple times and then someone picked up the phone.

"Hello, this is the Cavern club, Alen Sytner speaking!" A cheery voice said on the other end.

"Hi." I said hesitantly, "my name is Aubrey, I um... I found a wallet this morning, and it had a photograph  and a business card and a button of your club in it, maybe I could show you the picture and you could tell me if you recognise him?"


"I realise it's a long shot, but there are no other cards in the wallet and this is the only thing I could think of doing..."  I continued nervously,

The man spoke again, "I mean I guess there is no harm in you coming by... but we close at 12"

"Okay, great thanks!" I said, feeling relieved and hung up the phone. But when I checked the time I saw that it was already 23:36. I didn't have much time, but if I didn't walk to slowly then I could make ik back in time to catch the last tram. I know that it was late and I could have just called the next day, but the thing was, I liked the cavern. Mostly just because I loved the Beatles and I always loved being there because it made me feel closer to them and their music. It was the same reason I moved to Liverpool in the first place.

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