31. The Truth Will Set You Free (If You Let It)

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Stepping offstage and into her mother’s arms was a feat Stephanie hadn’t been sure she’d be able to manage, the way her legs were shaking and her head was spinning. She had only looked over her shoulder once to see Eric Bradley standing there after Susanne had stalked off the stage. The dark edges were gone and he looked so young, the softness in his eyes alien to her.

Stephanie had turned around, overwhelmed and underprepared for what had transpired just a few minutes ago.

Laura pulled her close and Stephanie closed her eyes. She would think about it later. When her mother pulled back, Stephanie took a deep breath and smoothed out her clothes, trying to pull herself together.

With all the bustle of the crew around them, Stephanie didn’t want to do that question and answer session right there. Without being told, Laura seemed to understand and gave her a small, worried smile.

“Come on, let’s go find everyone else.”

Stephanie nodded and followed her mother as they navigated the mess of monitors, cameras and cables to the back room. Somewhere along the way, Kim materialized out of the fray with a bottle of water that she pushed into Stephanie’s hands.

“Well, that was unexpected,” she said. “But let’s hope it works - whatever it was.”

They stepped into the infinitely quieter, contained green room and Stephanie exhaled. No matter how many times she prepared herself for the worst (or the strangest) situations, she was never quite ready for what would actually happen.

There was a second where no one seemed to know what to say – not Laura or Kim or Liam, and certainly not Stephanie herself. With shuttered eyes, Liam looked at her, and Stephanie instantly knew what she had done to make him look that way. She’d withheld secrets from them all (again). It was awful, but she was used to that look now. Only a pang of regret twisted in her chest before she had to let it go.

They had both decided a while ago that this - whatever it was – wasn’t going to work. It had never really had a chance.

Then Laura approached her daughter, gently holding her arms and peering into her eyes.

“You never told me,” she said softly. “About the abuse.”

Stephanie wouldn’t look at her. She just shrugged instead.

“It wasn’t a big deal. I wanted to just forget about it. It was a long time ago, anyway.”

Laura looked like she wanted to pursue the matter further but before she could, Kim interjected.

“I really hate to rush us all, but I’ve just got a text saying that another network’s gotten a hold of the anonymous informant who tipped off search parties about the Facility, and they’re airing live in about half an hour.”

Stephanie nodded, Laura pursed her lips and Liam just stood up from his place on the sofa.

“Let’s go then.”


Stephanie couldn’t believe her eyes.

They had made it back to the apartment just in time for the airing to start. They’d watched the obligatory, ominous introduction. The dramatization of what would be revealed in this interview.

Stephanie wasn’t sure who the anonymous informant was. Brennan had assured her that it wasn’t him, though he had wanted to report everything that had gone on in there. Rebecca Powell had made him promise not to disclose anything that he had seen during that rescue.

Which was why, when Dr. Powell was introduced to the stage with by Tom Pittman, Stephanie’s jaw dropped. Everyone else in the room had looked at her expectantly, noticing her immediate recognition of the chestnut-haired doctor. But Stephanie couldn’t find it in her to understand what Rebecca was doing.

InstinctOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora