"Izu we shouldn't let this ruin the mall trip!" I said Izu nodded as his frown went upside down. "You're right!" We walked around for a bit and I bought a cute blue white and pink tye dye crop top. All they have is crop tops anymore! It's so annoying! Still this one had long sleeves and it was really pretty, On the front My melody was on it. It was really adorable! "Isn't it cute Izu?!" I asked as I showed him "Uh yeah it's pretty cute." He replied smiling at me. 

                         I had spent all my money so I headed towards the front where the others were. "Hey guys!" I yelled as I ran over to them. I hugged Mina and Tsu. Then I realised Tsu hasn't been around. I saw she had bandaids on her shoulder. "What happened?" I said pointing to them "Miruko was chasing The Bunny and she stabbed my shoulder to get Miruko off her tail Ribbit" Tsu said I had stabbed her shoulder. "Oh no!" I said hugging her "That's horrible!" I cried "Well me and Izu need to get going!" I said as I dragged Izu away.

                          We walked home and went to bed soon after, My bed had been washed so it was extra soft. I fell asleep. Soon I was lying down in a clear area in the clouds. I looked around to see a younger version of me  wearing my pastel yellow sweater that said super on it and my blue pants. Little me looked up to me "Hello, So you're me?" She asked and she grabbed my hand as we walked towards and Island in the sky, Which had a cherry blossom tree on it the petals fell. "I am, I guess." I said I felt hatred towards little me as she smiled up at me. All of a sudden I was in my hero costume after a petal hit me. "Are you a hero!?" She asked her eyes lighting up.

              "I sure am." I replied "Cool! What's your hero name?!" She asked excitement spilling out of her. "I'm Uravity." I told her she danced around "I've gotta tell momma!" She yelled making me smile a bit, This was me before Mom killed herself. She would come home every night no matter how tired she was she made dinner for me and dad. We would laugh and talk about heroes or the latest villain attacks, Through it all she would smile her smile was always sad though. Then Dad started coming home late or not even coming home for days at a time, Mom wasn't able to keep smiling because she knew he was cheating. There was no way he wasn't. She stopped making dinner for me and she wouldn't talk to me she just sat there watching the TV. 

         As I thought this I turned to see it. Little me was jumping infront of the TV "Momma! Momma!" I called out over and over yet she didn't reply. I walked away and the scene faded away. I turned around and I saw myself going to bed all sad as I tucked myself in. I fell asleep. Then I heard a noise behind me. I had gotten up and Momma was still in the armchair with the TV on Young me grabbed her arm and her body was cold. Younger me started to sob as we watched. The other her Cried and shook her "MOMMA!" Then she ran and got the phone calling the number on the fridge. "Miss toga!" She cried into the phone "What's wrong?" "Momma isn't moving!" She cried I heard Yui's mother gasp "Is the door unlocked?" "Yes it is!" I sobbed into the phone "I'll be right there!" She said into the phone "Yui, Himiko get in the car!" She yelled I grabbed my rabbit stuffy and lied down on the floor. I silently sobbed before I heard the door open. I sat up and ran to her grabbing her leg. Mrs. Toga walked towards her body and felt for her pulse "I-I" She said before calling the police 1-1-0. I zoned out during her phone call and walked up to momma and sat on her lap crying. Then the police came and took away her body.

                           Dad came home soon after and Mrs. Toga broke the new to him he cried I tried to catch his attention but he ignored me pretending I didn't exist, All he cared about was his now dead wife. He fell down and cried I kept trying to get his attention but he ignored me.  "This isn't right." I said "Where's Niko?" Then she appeared she was just as small as me but she looked different. She was smiling at the ground smiling her eyes lacking life. None of them were paying attention to me. Dad proceeded to neglect us after that moment. I would get us food and make dinner. Normally cereal or something like that. About six months after the incident Dad started bringing us food again and made dinner twice a week. He brought woman after woman they all disappeared after a week. Niko always was just a prop in these memories. As if I didn't think about her. Or she was looking at the ground. I then saw Niko get ripped in half and I reached out to the memory as it disappeared. Little me looked up at me tears streaming down her face. I just smiled at her.

"W-What was that?" She whispered, "Your future." I answered a petal hit me and I was in my villain costume. "W-What costume is that?" I turned towards her "My villain costume." Then a petal hit her turning her into middle school me "A VILLAIN COSTUME?!" She screamed  I took off my mask and turned towards her. Glaring at her she flinched She Shakily smiled "You're joking right?" I looked over at her and shook my head a petal hit me and I changed into my UA uniform. "You're a traitor?!" She yelled I nodded Smiling, She ran at me tackling me "THAT'S NOT WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!" She yelled punched at me, I threw her off me with ease, "What other choice do I have? Tell me I would love to know." I said that. She looked Confused "You should've kept fighting!" She yelled a petal landed on her head she was beat and bruised. She smiled to me "You can't keep fighting." I said glaring at her "Yes I can!" Then another petal landed on her and it was me right after the sludge incident "You're right." She said "I had no other way!" She sobbed. "Unless..." She said as I felt myself fall. The clouds weren't supporting me I saw he look down at me. And I swear I saw a smile. Beep Beep Beep "Oh..." It was morning.

Hehe haha I should write more I know and I should take more time to write. I'm just not that good yet this is my first story Lol. This chapter was fun to write. 

This is Ochako when she was little btw

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This is Ochako when she was little btw. See ya later <3

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