13 - Festival Pt. 2

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[Luke's POV]


A girl's voice shouting made us focus on the stage infront of us as we made out way through.

"Heh, even I entered to bid" Lucy smirks.

"Well Moon Goddess have mercy on the poor soul that she takes" I pray earning a punch from her.

"You're so mean" she giggles making me chuckle along with her.

"Okay next from the Architecture department..." the MC announces making me and Lucy turn our heads immediately, "-Euntae Lee!".

"Woah look at that body"


"He's turning red"

"His shoulders are broad"

Many girls complimented Vasco whose real name I didn't know was actually Euntae Lee.

Great, I didn't think I could possibly be a worse friend but I manage to prove myself wrong.

Vasco was growing red and nervous with the comments and it showed.

Now FYI nervous Vasvo looks cute at occasions, but in this occasion where he tried to remain cool even though he was nervous made him look scary.

Poor baby nobody would be brave enough to bet on you if you look so scary.

"Are there no bids?"

Silence fell on the scared crowd. And a frown stared to grow on Vasco's face as the sadness was visible in his eyes.

"Okay then, there are-"

"$1000!" A familiar voice that belonged to a pink haired girl echoes through the crowd.

"1000 dollars?? That's crazy!"

"It's equal to DJ Roofy's bid from two years ago!"

"Woah! Who bid that?"

"I did~" Lucy chirps waving her hand over her head.

"Okay! Sold for $1000!"

And with that Vasco walks down the stage with the biggest blush on his face.

"Y'know, I take back my words, you ain't all that bad"

"Hey you know how they raised us"

"That I do"

We both share a knowing smile before we made our way to the stall to pay up for her bid.

Another group of boys end up going on stage and off stage as they were placed values.

Vasco had become Lucy's slave and has to eat and keep stuff and to pose for selfies with her.

Of course yours truly was third wheeling their date cause ain't no way in hell am I letting her go unleashed.

"Nice! $300, I have $300"

"Nothing higher? Going once for $300"


Everyone whipped our heads in the direction of the owner of the voice.

"1000 dollars again??"

"What the hell is with these girls?"

"Oh my gosh it's Lala Kim"

"Wow! I have 1000 dollars again!"

"Going once for $1000"

People start muttering about the bidder who apparently is Lala Kim the highest bidder for the last two years.

"$2000" a calmer sweeter voice states making everyone whip around.

Touch The SkyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora