Chapter 27- Ghost of You

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(A/N) so this chapter will mostly be a flashback, but I need to explain since it's a little confusing. So on the first chapter I changed it up a little so it will fit better since I didn't write it correctly. But to explain more, when before Max got killed, he knew about the Tomlinson's coming into town. But he knew that Harry had wanted his revenge, so he told him(that explains the last chapter) This chapter is explaining how Zayn and Harry met, giving more detail to their friendship. This flashback starts about two years before Harry kidnapped Louis. I hope me explaining it helps you understand. Enjoy the chapter...

  Harry was out walking around the busy town. If he was going to get revenge he needed to know what he was dealing with. So, that meant he needed to know Louis's routines, what he did in the day, so he needed to find a way to get more information. He was sitting at the park watching Louis and his friends do their homework. There was one that looked like he was the dad of the group, the other with the raven like hair seemed to be the quiet one. Then there was Louis, he was more of the soft looking, but he could tell that he was mischievous. Louis was wearing a light blue sweater with some ripped skinny jeans, and some vans. Which he didn't really wear much, from what he saw Louis liked wearing skirts and crop tops, made Harry smile imagining it.

   "I wonder what that guy is doing," Zayn said looking over to the lonely guy. Louis laughed,"don't stare at him it's rude, plus he looks dead, ohh maybe he is a killer. Maybe he can kill Liam, that would get him to shut it." Louis joked making the table laugh. "Now that's rude, why do you have to be mean to me. Be mean to Zayn," Liam said running a hand through his hair. Zayn put a arm around Louis hugging him. "Why would I be mean to Zayn, he is my cuddle buddy," he giggled out. He nudged his jeans in his chest getting comfy.

   Harry rolled his eyes at the teens, they annoyed him. But the raven haired boy would be perfect to get some information on the small boy. He pulled out his phone to look busy so he didn't look suspicious. "Hey I'm going to go to the car real quick," he heard the guy say. That's when he got up going to the parking lot. He saw the boy heading to a car that was away from his friends site. He smiled grabbing onto his knife. He walked up behind him, he tripped the kid making him fall to the ground. Harry then got down putting the knife at his neck. He could see that he was in panic. "Hey, calm down in not going to kill you. Now tell me your name kid," he spoke. "Zayn," he stuttered, "Zayn Malik." He made a mental note of that. "You work for me now Zayn, I want you give me your phone." He nodded pulling it out of his pocket. He grabbed the phone easily seeing the finger prints to the password. He got in and texted Louis saying that he had to get home quickly, and of course he believed it. He got Zayn up and dragged him to his car, "get in," he said jumping into the vehicle.

   "Where are you taking me," Zayn asked him. He had been quite for a while. "To my house, I will explain there. Maybe it will make more sense there," he spoke softly. Zayn didn't really now why he didn't run when he had the chance, but here he is most likely going to get killed. Soon they got to the house, it looked like a mansion. Harry jumped out of the car going over to grab Zayn. "Come on kid," he said. He followed the guy into the house and down the stairs. There was dead bodies being rolled out, people being tied up. Louis was right when he said that he was a killer. He shook the thought off of his mind trying to focus on not dying. Harry chuckled at him," don't give me a reason and you won't be the one getting tied." Zayn nervously laughing, how did he read his mind. They got into a office looking room, he sat done in the empty seat. Harry walked in and locked to door to the room.

"So your probably wondering why I took you," he started," well, I need you so you can help me with my revenge on the Tomlinson's." Zayn was shocked,"I am not helping you kill Louis." Harry sighed,"I knew you were going to say that. But, you have no choice but to help me. You see since you have saw where I live and know what I do, it's either you stay here or you die," Harry said eyes coldly staring at him. "Why do you want him dead anyway," Zayn asked. "If it wasn't for when I found him in the woods, I wouldn't be doing this. You think I chose to do this," he laughed," I hate killing I despise it really. But when I was thrown in the psych ward, I realized that if I don't do this, then my dad would find a why to make me." Zayn didn't know what to say, it made him think about it. "You won't kill him, right?" Harry shook his head. "Know I don't plan on killing, yet. I want him to feel the pain that I have felt for years. And that will kill him. Like it has almost did me," Harry said. "Do you by any chance have a picture of Louis?" Harry asked. Zayn nodded showing him. Harry took a quick picture of Zayn screen. "I want to remember his face when I change personalities," he said. "Do you have the disorder," Zayn asked him not sure if he would tell him. He nodded his head pulling up his long curls a small "yea" came from the man. That's when Zayn knew he had to help him. "Ok, I'm in," he said,"but you have to tell me everything about you, and what you have planned for my friend." Harry put out his hand,"we have deal."


Louis held Harry's bare hand. If Harry was awake he would be complaining about his rings being gone. It had been a month, nothing had changed. Zayn had tried to get him to leave the room but he didn't want to leave Harry alone. He knew that Harry never wanted to be alone. The nurse knocked on the door bringing some new fluids for Harry. Her name was Taylor, she was a nice girl, and a great nurse. "You must really love this guy," she said. "Well we're are engaged, kinda have to love him," he laughed a bit at his words. It's hard to believe that they were, he must have planned that for a while. Since he could really do big steps like that so easily. I mean he still had trouble saying "I love you" but he understood since it was a vulnerable thing to say, and well Harry had trouble being that. "You two will be able to get married, I believe he will wake up. It's just going to take a while," she said, she patted his back leaving the room.

He could here the voices around him. He could feel the hand on top of his. But he didn't know what was going on. To be honest he didn't even know who he was. He had heard a girl say that this Harry guy had done a overdose. He assumed Harry was himself, but he wasn't sure. But what he did know was that the boy that was always talking kept him company. The guy had a light voice, it was cute. He had tried moving but it wasn't working, nothing seemed to work, only his thoughts. He tried to picture the boy, it made him happy.

Louis sighed moving away from Harry's bed. He went to the couch in the small room, laying down pulling the blanket over him. He thought what the doctor said said to him.

    "We have no clue of when he will wake up. Looking back at the people who have overdosed on this medication end up dying or they wake up in their other personality," the doctor said. "There is no way to tell if he will remember who any of you are," he said pointing at the group,"but when he wakes up, since he did try to kill himself we have to send him back to the mental hospital. He would be there for about a month, what they would be doing it to get him to remember who he really is. And well I don't know about all of the police stuff he has to go through after that." Louis sighed holding onto Harry's hand, he will see him again. He knew it.

Welp that was the chapter
I haven't really been writing a lot like I usually have
But I'm trying to find a schedule for when new chapters will be posted
But tell me what you thought 💭
And as always tpwkxxx Maddie
Word count: 1576

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