Chapter 2

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   His dad had been gone ever since last week.
And all week he has felt like he was being watched.

    He just felt like eyes were all over him when he knew they shouldn't be.

The feeling of being watched is something no one wants, especially when you are alone. His dad always said to him that he was going to be okay in these types of situations.

He had been walking home alone all week since his dad was gone. He asked Liam and Zayn, his best friends, to walk home with him. They had know each other for god knows how long. They did everything together.

It's strange how they are friends. Like Liam and Zayn have the classic bad boy persona, while he had a hint of a feminine touch that made him the person he had always been. But it honestly made him the baby of the group even though he was older than the two.

They were walking down a small path down at the park, it was a shorter way home. The sky was slowly getting darker as the sun set for the night.
"Are you guys going to the party Friday," he asked them.
"Who's party," Zayn said, he looked confused. Liam looked at Zayn,
"Who's party, the most popular guy in the school's party." He said.
"Omg Josh's party!" He said annoyed at the two.
"Could have started with that," Zayn said rolling his eyes jokingly.


"We have an eye on them," said a voice through his ear piece.

"Good, seems like he is always with them two huh," he said back.
   "Yea, just tell us when it's a go," he said.

Harry watched through the cameras looking for a good time.
"Don't hurt them please," Mark begged out.
Harry smirked, then he started to laugh.
"I'm not going to hurt them, I'm going to hurt you."
   "Then why do you need my boy and his friends," Mark questioned him.

Harry got up from his chair and walked right in front of Mark.
Then he stopped and leaned down with a murderous grin leaning down to make eye contact with the scared soul.
"I want them to scream, I want them to see you suffer for what you did. And then they are going to suffer," he threatened with a small grin.
Harry covered Mark's mouth with the cloth. He talked to much, Harry thought. Harry, again, pushed the talk button.
Staring dead into Mark's sorry eyes he said,

"Get them."


    Liam started to complain that his feet hurt, so they made a stop to sit at an old picnic table in the lonesome park.
    No one ever really came here, all of the playground equipment was run down and rusted over. The only people that still came was people getting in a good run.

    They had been there for a few minutes when he heard something in the overgrown bushes sat behind them.
    "You guys hear that?" He said softly.
  The two looked up from the paper looking at the boy.
    "It's probably just an animal Lou don't worry about it," Liam said not worried at all.

   He decided to believe him up until hands were grabbing him from behind. One after the other, each one of them being pulled back.

   He tried to fight and scream at the guy, but it was obvious that he wasn't gonna win. Their wrist were being tied into tight knots behind there backs. They tried screaming once again, but it was no use, no one in this town goes for a run at this hour.

   Shit, he thought. Soon they were thrown in a black van and on the road to god knows where.
    "What are you doing!" Liam yelled frantically at Zayn.
  Zayn was trying to get out of the ropes, but struggling poorly.
    "We are being kidnapped you idiot," Louis yelled back clearly stressed.
  And a guy came up to them with a cloth.
    "Seems like we have a smart one here," he said.
And he put them cloth over his face.
He was out like a light.
  He had been drugged, great!


They started moving the knocked out boys into the building.
     "Oh their here, be careful with them bosses orders," Niall said, writing something down on his note book.
   They rolled them into the big dark room and sat them into chairs.
     "Thank you boys, that will be all," he said. The guys went away fast.
     "Look Mark here's your boy!" Harry said patting Louis's shoulders, "he's in very good hands here," Harry said grabbing the rope off of his desk.   
   Mark was trying to scream but couldn't, he was funny.
     "You know you can't scream, so don't even try," harry told as he was tying the bodies nice and tight.

   He made sure the boys wouldn't be able to get loose, once it was perfect he stood to look at what he was working with.
He really did have to admit this Louis kid was cute, pitiful. To bad he had to die, probably had a whole life planned out. But it was all apart of the plan, so he wasn't feeling bad at all.
   When he was done looking, he went over to his desk and waited til they awoke.


Well that was chapter 2
I wonder what happens next🤔
Tell me what you think 💭
And as always tpwkxxx Maddie
Word count:905

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