Chapter 26- We'll Be a Fine Line

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   Harry looked past the corner of the dark alleyway of the pub. His next victim was standing right next to the entrance. His knife was in his hand, his grip on the object was tight. He didn't know why he was doing this but the guy had money, money that Harry needed. The guy walked closer to where he was. When he got in the  alley, Harry pulled him back pinning him on the wall, the knife at his neck. "If you want to live you'll do as I say," he whispered in the guys ear. He was a small guy, kinda hot if he was honest. "What, what do you want from me?" Harry laughed, "you will know soon." With that he knocked the boy out, he was there to kill him, but he could have fun with the boy.

   Louis ran through the woods following a long path. At first he was going to go back to the field, but instead he went a whole different way. The woods were dark, the trees leaves was a mix of fall colors. The wind blew cold air against his face. The dirt path lead only deeper into the trees. The sun was setting quickly. He kept on walking, but then he saw a cottage in the distance. A red fire was burning in the front. As he got closer to the place people started to come out of nowhere. They surrounded him pulling out guns. Then he got hit in the head being knocked out. "Who is he," a girl said looking at the boy. "I know this boy from anywhere, he is a Tomlinson," he said, "Louis Tomlinson, the boy who destroyed everything." The guy picked Louis up bridal style," we need to bring him to the styles family, then we kill him right there. That will teach them to betray us again."

  Harry brought the boy into his house tying him up. "Harry, quick question. Why isn't he dead, you said you were going to kill him," Niall said behind him. He rolled his eyes, Niall annoyed him, but he was his only friend so he would have to do. "Well, he is a very good looking boy Niall. Might as well have some fun with him," he said turning around facing the blonde boy. "You are really going to fuck him then kill him," he said, Harry nodded his head. "You are unbelievable," Niall laughed out. "Here, take his information and get his money, and leave me alone." Niall took the papers and went out of the room. Harry put up his long hair, he hadn't cut it ever since he left the hospital. He sat and waited for the boy to wake up.

   Louis opened his eyes and started to panic. He couldn't move he was tied up. A door opened behind him, he went quite. "Why are you here Louis, shouldn't you be with your mum," he voice said. "Or were you to busy with the styles's son." Louis was getting nervous, how did he know who he was. The guy walked into the light, Louis's face dropped. "Remember me," Kylan said. "What do you want Kylan, why did you do this," Louis spoke. Kylan got closer to him and looked him straight in his eyes, his hand rested on Louis's cheek. "You was supposed to be mine. And now the Styles son will pay, pay with his death," he said smiling," now let's get you to the field."

   Harry walked with his hand on his chest. His medication slowing him down, the only thought that was on his mind was Louis. How could he have let himself try and kill him. Now he was going to do what he should have done a long time ago, kill himself. He should have the first time he tried to kill someone he loved, but he was a coward. The voices didn't help, they only encouraged him. He was almost to the field, he hoped Louis was there, he didn't know how much longer he had left. "Harry wait, I'm coming stop," he heard. He turned his head to see Gemma running towards him. She came over pulling him close, she called Niall, Liam, and Zayn to hurry up and get her but they still haven't showed up. She was crying, he had never saw her cry. "Why did you take all of them pills Harry, your going to kill yourself," she said helping him walk. His body was slowly getting weaker. "Gemma, I should have stopped myself a long time ago. This was coming," he said not feeling any regret. They got to the field shocked about the sight. Louis was tied up on the ground with guns pointing all around him.

    Louis squirmed around in the ropes, they had made them tight. He opened his eyes again seeing Harry in the distance, he looked hurt. He tried to scream but tape covered his mouth. "Glad you could make it Harry," Kylan spoke. Harry built up all the strength he had left in him to prepare himself for the fight that was about to happen. He stood straight up pulling out his own weapon. "Let him go so you don't have to lose you pathetic life," Harry spat out. "My life pathetic. Haha, you shouldn't be talking Harry. Your the person who fucked everything good up. So I wouldn't call me pathetic."

   He was true about that one, but he didn't have to remind him. Niall, Liam, and Zayn had finally showed up not knowing what was going on. "Just let him go," he sighed. "Yea if you want him, your going to have to pay. I say his life," he paused a smirk come up on his face,"for yours." Kylan laughed not thinking he would do it. "Let him go first, then, then you can kill me." The others looked at him like he was crazy. Harry couldn't die, Louis thought. "If that's what you wish Harry," he said some of Kylans men came up behind grabbing him. "Harry please don't do this," Gemma said, but he ignored her. His head was down looking at his feet, he was ready, he didn't want to live anymore. Louis was tossed to Liam and Zayn, they untied him letting the boy fall out of the ropes.

    "Anything else Harry," Kylan said still surprised that this is happening. "Yea, can I at least say goodbye to the only people who were like my family," he said looking up at him. With a nodded he was let go, he went over to them hugging them all. His medicine was starting to calm his muscles, it was working. He went over to Louis hugging him tightly. "I'm so sorry Louis, I tried being good. But I fucked all up, you don't deserve to be with someone like me. You need someone who isn't a psychopath," he whispered in his ear. He was crying, his heart breaking, he didn't want to leave Louis. "I love you so much Harry. You were the first person that has actually cared about me. I don't want to lose you," Louis cried out in his chest. Everyone was watching them, Kylan starting to feel bad about doing this. "You were the first person to show me what love truly is Louis, I never have felt that. I have done so many horrible things in my life. But your the one good things that happened to me," he said pulling out a ring,"I need to give you this before I cant. My life might be ending right now, but I want to spend the last of it knowing your mine. So will you?" Louis nodded letting him put on the ring. Louis wiped Harry's tears giving him a small kiss. "Your going to be ok kitten," he whispered putting their foreheads together. He let go of him looking at the others. "Take care of my kitten will you," he asked them.

   She couldn't believe he was doing this out of pure love for Louis. She nodded, "we will protect him if it's the last thing we do Harry," she said wiping a tear off her cheek. Harry turned around facing Kylan, "I'm ready." The guys grabbed him making sure he can't escape. He closed his eyes waiting for the bullet. Kylan tried pulling the trigger, but he couldn't after what he just saw. Louis was supposed to be his, but looking at how much it would hurt him to kill that dickhead, he couldn't do it. He sighed dropping the gun, "I can't kill you, not after that," he said. But the medicine had kicked in, Harry's breathing was barely there. "Boss, he's dying," one said. Gemma ran over to Harry, she felt his pulse it was slow. They went into a panic, "call a ambulance!" Someone shouted. "You are asking to go to jail!" Another said. But one was called, paramedics got him in and leaving fast, no one was able to go with him.

   Louis was shaking in the chair, he hoped Harry was alive. "Styles," a nurse called out. They all got up ready for the news. "He barely survived, the medication that he takes is made to calm him down, I'm surprised he was awake for that long after he took them," she said, "but he is in a coma, many people who overdose on this medicine end up in one. You guys are able to see him just need to be quiet," she said walking away. Louis cried, hugging Liam. I mean he was happy that he wasn't dead, but now he has to worry if he will ever wake up. They go into the room, he was laying in a hospital gown, his rings were on the counter of the room with the rest of his things. Louis went over to him, his face was pale, but his lips were still red. He put his hand on his cheek, Harry didn't deserve this life, he was good Louis knew it.

    Niall followed Harry around the house asking him many questions. "Why did you let him live Harry, you have wanted him dead for so long," he said. Harry turned around quickly, "cause I like him ok, I have never really had this feeling and all of the sudden I like him. I know I have wanted Max dead, but maybe, maybe he can change me," Harry said, moving his long hair out of his face. "Harry he can't change you, he can't do anything for you, so do what you have wanted to do and kill him," he said to him, he was right. "Ok, ok I believe you. I will," he said going back to where Max was. "Ok Harry before you kill me I need to tell you something. The Tomlinson's are in Doncaster, you can get your revenge on the boy, all you need to do it lure him in," he said fast. Harry smiled at that, he pulled the trigger killing him. "Niall," Harry yelled. "Yes Harry," he yelled back. "Find Mark Tomlinson, we need to find his boy," he said with a smirk. He went to his wall stabbing a knife into a picture of Louis in  his mum's arms. "I can't wait to have you dead!"

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And as always tpwkxxx Maddie
Word count: 1906

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