Chapter 13- "Help me"

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Ever since a few days ago, Harry and Louis had been really close. A side of Harry no one had seen in a long time had came out. He hadn't smiled so much in years. But that's what worries him. It's what worried everyone. When your in this business you don't have room for love, it had never worked. They always lead to heartbreak, and was never fixed. He didn't want that to happen. He has done so much to Louis's family but he doesn't even know. He would hate him when he found out.

  He shook the thoughts out of his head focusing on what is in front of him. He was writing down all of the places where an attack could happen, he wanted to put more people out on guard. He heard someone walk into the room he looked up to see Louis. A smile crept up on his face. He let Louis sit on his lap, he wrapped his arms around Louis's waist holding him. "Are you ok?" He asked, Harry nodded even though he was stressed on the inside. "Look he won't be able to get me cause I know you will do everything to stop him." Louis moved a curl out of the mans face. He was so sweet to him, he didn't want him to go. He liked him a lot, he made his heart feel fuzzy every time he saw him.

"When are you leaving." Simon spoke. "Now, the boys have come everything is ready. He won't know what hit him."
"Good, he will regret staying alive when this is over. He should have killed himself when he had the chance." They laughed and went out. He was getting his revenge no matter the cost.

  "So what do I do here, stay locked up in my room." He looked around the hospital room. "Well, you will be in group 2 therapy. And when eating time comes we will get you." She explained. "So like prison, I want to go home." He laid back down sighing loudly. "Well I don't think that's going to happen kid. Your home isn't safe for you. And your parents are in jail." He raised back up quick. "What! Where is my sister?"

  "Your sister, she is in a girls group home." That's just great, they put her in adoption. "But no time to worry, it's time to eat, come on now." He got up and walked with her. Kids where looking at him, when he stared back they looked away. When they got to the cafeteria she started to talk again. "Your going to get a tray and sit by." She stopped to think. "Sit by them, their name is Jordan. They have schizophrenia, so be patient with them." He nodded and done as she said. When he sat down they looked at him, "why are you sitting with me. No one does."

  He thinks about what he could say. "It looked like you needed a friend, my names Harry." They looked at his hand and took it. "Jordan." They started to talk becoming friends easily. "Ok you see her that's Darcy, I love her. But she has multiple personality disorder. And when she is in her bad mood, she hates everyone." He felt bad for Jordan, he could tell that they liked her a lot. "But I don't think she is a lesbian, cause she has had all kinds of boyfriends." "I'm sure her likes you too." Jordan looked at him and took off one of their matching bracelets. "Here your my new best friend." It was a rainbow bracelet, he put it on and they put them together. Maybe the mental hospital won't be too bad.

  "Jordan you are going to stay be the car, when we have Louis you are going to stay with him." Mark shouted at them. They played with their rainbow bracelet, it made them feel calm. When they got out of the hospital, they got a job working for Simon Cowell. It's payed good, but they have had to do horrible things. They wondered what Harry would say, he always hated doing bad things. But it seems like he had gotten into some shit too. They knew what person to look for, they had to make sure they get Louis. If they did they would be able to go back home with their family. "Ok men, it's time to attack, I want you guys to attack from all sides. If you get shot still fight. And if anybody shoots at Louis, your dead." Everyone was quite, "let's go."

  Niall came bursting into the room and ran straight to Louis. "Louis hurry wake up." He sat up confused. "Why what's wrong." Niall got him out of bed and pulled on his arm leaving the room. "No time for questions, I have to get you to Harry." They ran downstairs and Louis ran into Harry's arms. "What's going on haz." Harry hugged Louis tight. "They are here, but your going to stay with me. I'm going to keep you safe." He brought Louis into the huge room we're he kills at. He sat him in the desk chair and kneeled down trying to calm him. "Kitten it's going to be ok. I'm not going to let them get you. But if it happens know that you are going to see me again." He got back up and grabbed the gun on his desk making sure it's  loaded. "Here hold this ok." He grabbed his gun from his side know he will have to use it.

   He got into the house going stairs. "Tell me where he is or you are all dead." He yelled at them. "He's in the cell." Niall said putting is hands up. Harry told him to bring him in there. Mark went to the huge door walking in. He saw Harry's shadow. "Give me Louis and we don't have to fight." He said. "That's not of I remember our deal. The deal was a life for a life, you are free but I keep him." Harry said. "I remember you saying that you were going to kill him, I don't think your dad would be to proud of you protecting a Tomlinson." Mark smirked when Harry went silent.

   "So I say again give me my son." Louis got up going behind Harry, his heart was racing. "Louis come here, I'm not going to hurt you." Louis shook his head. "I'm not going near you, I hate you."
"You can't tell me you want to stay here with a psychopath." Mark was getting angry. "I rather stay here then go anywhere with you." Louis yelled at him. "You heard the boy, leave or die." Men walked into the door guns pointing at Harry. "I believe your the one that's dying." Mark said. Shoots were fired. It felt like a blur, screaming.

   Harry felt bullets go in his skin. Louis being ripped away from his arms. He tried to get up rushing outside. He saw Louis being taken away. "No." Harry yelled. "Help me, help me Harry." He yelled back. He could see the tears falling down his baby's face. He tried going to him but was pulled back by the boys. "We will get him back Harry." Liam told him. He fell to the ground, letting tears fall. "I told him they wouldn't get him." He cried out. He was half a heart without him.

Welp that was the chapter
Tell me what you thought 💭
And as always tpwkxxx Maddie
Word count:1264

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