Chapter 32- You & I (part 1 of 5)

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Hello everyone
  I hope you like the chapter, it's a little short but hopefully good enough. It's a bit of a cliffhanger, but I promise the next few will be longer. I wish everyone a merry Christmas, or if you don't celebrate the holidays then have fun out of school!

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Word count: 1355
Tpwkxxx Maddie

    Memories flashed through his mind quickly. Visions from being trapped in his own thoughts in a corner crying, to feeling loved in the arms over his lover. Visions of the dark nights stealing money from a stranger, to making them have a brutal death.
Was this really him?

    When seeing these things he questioned if it was real. He really hoped it wasn't, but it was true. He really let himself get to that point. He let himself lose his mind, he let himself enjoy hurting people. He let himself be a psychopath. Everything the doctors said was true, he was insane. He needed help, he couldn't keep on doing this.

"Harry, are you ok?" Gemma said quietly.

"Louis, he made me go to the psych ward. He made me think I was crazy. But, for once in a lifetime he made me love," he whispered out.

Gasps were heard around him. He turned to see Louis. "This all started with you, and it's ending with you," he said. Liam looked at him strange, "what do you mean it's ending with him?" Harry smirked, "I'm going to do what the doctors told me to do a long time ago." They all got worried. "And what did they tell you," Gemma asked. "Embrace being a psychopath, it comes in handy in your darkest times. And things are about to get dark," he said leaving them confused.

He ran inside going to the attic, he has been waiting to use this. Up in the attic was a secret spot in the house. The only people who knew about what was up there was Harry and his dad. It was the one time the bonded over something, the best day of his childhood. He got up there and rummaged through the old boxes until he found it. The thing that would make him undefinable.


He was sitting in the grass by the tree in the front yard of his chaotic home. He went out about an hour ago cause his dad was getting angry. Well, that and you could hear people screaming from the basement, it gets annoying after awhile. He looked down at his wrists where his cuts sat on his skin. He started cutting about four months ago, he never had thought about doing it until he started getting voices in his head. They said that it would help him, and well it did. He decided that they wasn't bad for him, they didn't force him to do things.

"Harry, you out here?" His dad yelled. Harry sighed and laid his head against the hard tree. "Yes," he said so he could hear him. Robin jogged over to him and sat down next to him. He looked over to his son and sighed. "Are you ok kid?" Harry looked back at him confused about why he would be asking him that. "Why do you care?" He said scooting over away from him. "Harry, I know I'm not a good dad. And I know I make you do all of this training, but you will thank me one day. Cause you will be able to defend yourself from anyone and anything," he says to Harry.

"I want you to know that I care about you, I- Im just not good at showing it. It's really hard to do that though cause of my," he paused, "my issues, mental issues. But it doesn't mean that I can't be good sometimes." Harry was intrigued by the conversation, did he actually mean what he was saying? "How do I know your not lying," Harry asked him. Robin laughed, "to tell if a person is lying you have to look deep in their eyes. They will keep looking away and back to think of a lie. Another way is their body language it changes when a person is lying. But son I promise I wasn't lying to you, I truly mean it." Harry noted what he said in his mind. But realized that he wasn't lying cause nothing changed, that left him smiling.

"So for once, what do you want to do today kid?" Harry thought about it then got his idea. "I want to make something for me in the future when I'm old like you," he said. His dad laughed at the joke. "Old like me huh, well what would we be making?" Harry looked at his dads rings, he pointed at the one that had a red gem on it. "This is one of the things that will be with it," he said. His dad looked at it and took it off his finger and gave it to the kid. "Now what," Robin said looking at him. "If you really think that the stuff your training me in is good, then I want you to get all of the most dangerous things you have and put them in a box and put it in the attic. Put a note in there explaining what each thing does and why you wanted me to use it, and I won't let you down," Harry said looking at his dad.

Robin hesitated for a moment, but he had already done so much to the kids head that he wasn't going to say no. "Ok, I will get it together and leave it there. Now let me see that ring, I don't want you to lose it before you can have it," he said. Robin smiled and got up putting a hand out for Harry. "Come on, let's go get some ice cream." Harry took his hand and walked with him to the car. For the first time in months he was smiling.


Harry smiled as he opened the box, the ring was the first thing you could see. The note was right under it. He picked up the ring first finding the right finger to put it on. He then picked up the note and read the lines. A smirk popped on his face, he was going to have some fun. He took the box and got out of the attic. The others finally found the room his was in and started banging on the door. He felt bad that they didn't know anything, but it was best for now.

     The thing is, Harry isn't a normal person, obviously. But, he should embrace it. He has spent YEARS telling himself he shouldn't. And he isn't going to stop himself anymore. When he got his memory back he realized that anytime he was being his psychopath self, he was happy. He truly was, until the guilt washed over his mind and ruined the moment. So, he was gonna stop doubting the things he did.

    If your wondering what the box has to do with this, well. It was his plan, his dangerous plan. Everything in his life revolved around Louis somehow, maybe it was weird soulmate shit who knows? Anyway, his plan was to manipulate him into thinking that Harry was really horrible for him. Yea, that doesn't sound as good as he thought it would out loud. But, basically what his is gonna do is marry Louis and tell show him just how crazy he was, if it still doesn't drive him away then, the were meant to be. It made sense to him.

   One of the things to go through with the plan, was to not take any of his medications, which was gonna be interesting. Not taking his medicine meant that he would have no control over himself, his mind would go into a panic, not knowing what to do. Of course he knew that he would have to wait a month for all of his medication to be out of his System but he can wait. He can wait!

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