Chapter 2

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Percy POV

"Son, have some news." My father stated in a very formal tone, "you will be going to school with your cousin."

I sat there in shock as he continued, "It's for your own good. Your mother and I have been concerned as of late. You have seemed... out of it. And you haven't been yourself ever since you broke up with that Rachel girl, and I know there's been a lot of pressure for new songs. School will be a fine distraction for you to move on from, my son. Know that we love you and don't forget to have fun. Be a normal teenaged boy for a bit."

Two weeks later, I was standing in front of Goode, not sure exactly what to expect. Having been tutored most of my life in between tours and such, I had never had a real "school" experience before. After all of the paperwork for my arrival had been filled out, I was off to my first class: music.

"Of course," I mumbled, not looking forward to the high expectations everyone in class will have of me: the "rockstar".

Once in the classroom I spotted my favorite cousin, Jason, so I waved at him and sat in the closest seat next to him. It also happened to be beside an exceptionally pretty blonde girl. When class started, I heard whispering, but I have had a lot of practice when it comes to ignoring the whispers and talk behind my back. As the Percy Jackson, you get used to it.

Not quite fast enough for me, but eventually, it was time for food. Jason came and got me to sit with our cousins and his friends, including the good-looking, not-at-all-intimidating blonde girl from my music class. I sat next to Jason and coincidentally the blonde girl.

"So," began Jason, "This is Percy, my other cousin. He just transferred here, so be nice."

One of the other boys smirked slyly at me like he was up to something, but once Jason gave him a look, he seemed to back off.

After a serious debate within my mind, I decided to turn toward the cute girl next to me. I smiled stupidly, not thinking quite straight, and said, "Hi."

She smiled warmly back, and I can't take my eyes off her face, "Hey, I'm Annabeth. You sat next to me in music."

"That I did....", to my surprise we continued to talk all of lunch. Sadly, it was time for my next class before I knew it: swim. Yes, besides music, swimming is my most effective coping mechanism. I spend so much time in the water. As soon as I jump in, I instantly feel free, as if the water gives me this supernatural power to be myself, without worrying over the press, my career, or even silly girls.

Finally, I returned home and began to think about Rachel. The last time I talked to her one on one was when I played her "Common Sense". I never meant to hurt her... I was only trying to be honest.


"Hey Rach, can you come here so I can play you something.?" She came and set next to me as I explained, "I wrote this for you. I hope you like it."

(Common sense by Joshua Bassett)

Common sense tells me, "Kiss the girl goodbye"

Common sense tells me, "Leave it all behind"

But common sense ain't common when you come to mind

Common sense told me, "She was not worthwhile"

Common sense said, "Don't go the extra mile"

Common sense said, "Go back and reconcile"

But common sense forgot about her smile

Second chances are thought of to be weak

Second chances in volumes, do they speak?

Second chances aren't given usually

But a second chance is all I really need

I think I love you

I want to love you

Please let me love you (Love you, love you, love you)

I wish to show you how to love

Common sense tells me, "Kiss the girl goodbye"

Common sense tells me, "Leave it all behind"

Common sense says, "The girl's not worth my time"

But common sense ain't common when you come to mind

As I finished, I looked up and saw a very mad Rachel. She looked like she was about to explode next to me.

"Well then, kiss the girl goodbye, Percy, if that's how you feel! The girl's not worth your time, huh? You know what? You aren't worth my time! We're done. Goodbye, Percy Jackson."

The next day my father made me record the song despite my near absolute refusal to. The good thing is that it went viral in a short time which is great for my job and image and all that, but ever since, I can't seem to write and new songs.

 end of flashback

I was pulled out of my thoughts with the sound of the doorbell. As I opened the door, Jason, Nico, and an elf looking boy (I think his name is Leo) revealed themselves.

"Um, why are you here? And with someone I don't know, J?"

"You see, that's the point in surprises. You don't know when they're coming. Besides, I want to use your pool, bro."

I know Jason is up to something, but I let them in anyways.

All too soon, Leo and Nico had to get going, leaving me with Jason, "Hey man, thanks for letting us in. It was fun."

"No problem, I had fun, too... surprisingly."

Jason chuckled, and then glanced at me with concern as he asked, "How is the umm... you know... the song stuff going? I know with the umm... back up and all its got to be hard."

Almost immediately I frown and sigh, "Not the best. I just...can't find something in my life to write about, you know? Ever since Rach... well, things seem to have lost meaning and I don't know what to do with myself."

Then, all of a sudden, Jason snapped his fingers saying, "What if you write about someone else's life, not yours?"

"That's a great idea, man! But who?" I replied, smiling despite myself.

Jason and I shot off some more ideas, but I still wasn't sure who to write about. I continued to mull it over when I went out to dinner with my Mom, sister, and stepdad.

After I got home, I headed straight bed. But the question still remained: Who? 

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