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Third POV:
As Bella reaches over to pick up the cup,something snaps.Bella went into labor.Edward does everything in his power to save both the baby and his wife.He pulls out a baby and wraps her in a blanket.

"Renesmee."He whispers handing the baby to his wife.But then he spots something else.Another baby.He pulls it out and wraps it into a blanket."Its a girl."

"Lacey."Bella smiles.Then Edward can hear her stop breathing.He hands Rosalie both of the babies and begins to save his wife from death.

Rosalie cleans them up and puts them on the ground.As Jake stalks behind them,he stops in his tracks when he looks at Renesmee.He imprinted.It was his duty to protect her no matter what.

Rosalie begins to coo at the little babies.It has always been a dream to have a child of her own.But now that can never happen.But now she had two beautiful nieces.And she would cherish them for the rest of eternity.

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