He lay down in their bed, curling in on himself and letting out a sigh. He hadn't meant to start a fight—not that he even knew why the fight started in the first place—and he had actually expected to spend Katsuki's weekend having fun and doing things normal couples do...which, apparently, isn't working out for them.

He had an idea as to why it was happening. He had two, actually, and both seemed reasonable.

First of all, it was him being pregnant.

He knew that the reason he had started randomly craving, for example, lemon salads or peanut butter with jam (he hated peanut butter), and then ice of all things wasn't just because his taste decided to do a one-eighty by itself. He knew what pregnancy cravings were. Second, he knew that his hormones were acting up because of the pregnancy, so that was probably the reason why he was so snappy and avoided Katsuki more than usual, Kirishima being the person he would go to instead.

Izuku sighed to himself, but stopped mid-sigh as he felt a slight uncomfortable feeling in his throat.

Shit. Not this again. Izuku shot up, knowing all too well that there was no avoiding it even if he stayed in bed, and hurried towards their bathroom, closing the door behind him and turning on the sink so that Katsuki wouldn't hear.

He'd been doing that for as long as he started feeling the nausea. He didn't know why he was hiding it from Katsuki. He knew that he would tell him eventually, but why was he thinking of telling him eventually instead of celebrating the supposedly good news? He didn't know. Maybe it was the fear of the rules he previously had to follow, or maybe it was Katsuki's behavior.

Maybe some part of him was scared of Katsuki's temper. Izuku didn't want to think about it, but...

Katsuki had a bad temper. He got pissed easily, even if he wasn't as much like that when it came to Izuku. Maybe he would even be gentle with their child, but Izuku couldn't imagine Katsuki being that kind of parent that'd carefully lull their child to sleep or feed them their first vegetables, knowing all too well the child will probably spit everything out and refuse to eat. He just...wasn't that type of person, and maybe that played a major role in the way he wanted to deliver the news.

But what was worse was if it came to him unexpectedly. What if he was so shocked he would start avoiding him, or start talking about how they could give the child up for adoption so that they could live together a normal, calm life?

Izuku felt like he couldn't read him, even after being with him for so long and going through so much with him. But this wasn't some terrorist attack or avoiding the rules of his strict pet organization. This was the difficulty of family life, and Izuku...just wasn't prepared for that.

"Izuku? Come on, get your ass out of there. I didn't mean it." Izuku wiped his forehead, feeling the cold sweat form on hit as he gulped heavily, trying to somehow ease the twisting feeling in his gut. It didn't help, and he felt a small shiver come through him, closing his eyes as he breathed heavily, trying to relax. He couldn't throw up now that Katsuki was there: he'd definitely hear.

Izuku stood up slowly, but that was enough to trigger him. He fell back on his knees and threw up, doing his best to be as quiet as possible as he gasped for air and gagged, before throwing it all up.

No wonder he was hungry all the time. Half the time his food was flushed down the toilet.

"Izuku?" Katsuki pounded on the door. Izuku breathed heavily, standing up slowly before flushing the toilet and going over to the sink, quickly flossing his mouth. He couldn't help but notice the way his hands shook and how cold they felt, and he tried his best to will his hands to stop shaking and return his posture to normal as he walked towards the door, opening it hesitantly and trying to step out.

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