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Its a double update. I hope you'll enjoy and happy reading❤️


A noise pulled me out of my sleep so abruptly I'm disoriented. I forgot for a second that I am in Wad's house. I try to blink away the darkness that surrounded me before anything.

I sighed when I couldn't hear anything. I went back to lay on my bed before it happened again. A small creek. Silently, I walked. Heart racing. I couldn't drop my guard. I look around frantically take steps trying to make my way in the darkness. Before I could blink two figures stood before me. A menacing shadow circled around me as one of them held my waist and pulled me to him-Kit. He had his hands over my mouth.

"You shouldn't have run. Should have known that there will be consequences." I wanted to scream but my body betrayed me as I leaned into his embrace even when I know off the danger that he was.

"Look at you, you can't deny us. You're ours. And it's time you learn that clearly," I have never seen Arthit this angry. He was terrifying to look at. Trembling, I tried to blink away the tears. I didn't know why they were their. Was it cause of the relief I felt or cause of impending danger.

"If you scream and your Lil friend wakes up then he won't live to see tomorrow." Arthit said

I relaxed knowing Wad is sleeping and not dead.

"Or probably we should kill him for keeping you away." Kit whispered his thoughts to which I vehemently shook my head.

They shared a look and slowly made their way out of the room. I am terrified 9f what's going to happen.  I know I messed up. They will never let me go. I was clear of that as I walked out of Wad's place.

My tears fall silently. The whole way back I cry. Not sure for what though. I was sure that they will come. My mind and heart were certain on that. They took me in their car to the airport and in a matter of hours, we were flying back to where it all started.

The anger was radiating from both of them.
"You left. You broke the rules baby and you know now you don't get to leave ever." Kit said as he dragged me to the back of the plane and into a room. I stared at him as he pushed me onto the bed and hovered on me. His breath on me making me shiver. Those eyes held rage that if he leashed I would not be able to survive.

"You did a grave mistake by trying to leave us baby and we don't appreciate that." Arthit was standing just across the room looking intensely as my eyes locked with his. They were predators who were angered by their prey. And I am that prey.

Kit lunched down on me biting my neck making me whimper. His strong arms held my wrists and I was sure that it will bruise.

"I want to kill you now for making us feel like shit for these three weeks. Do you know what we went through. Do you?" He shouted as bit harder onto my neck. I cried knowing exactly how crazy it all was. They were right I made a mistake. My mistake was I fell in love with them. And no matter what I can't go back. As this realisation hit me, I opened my eyes and looked at Arthit who stood there looking at us. As his eyes locked onto me I saw a new determination in them. He picked up a syringe from the side of the table and came near me. Instead of fear, somehow, I smiled. Knowing my fate. Kit got from my side and kissed my lips ever so lightly. They were being sweet all of a sudden. Looking at my face, Arthit kissed my forehead as kit kept on holding my wrists. I wasn't struggling anymore. My eyes shifted between them and I knew I can't never hate them or escape them. Either way I won't survive.

In the next moment, Arthit injected the syringe onto my left arm. And before darkness took over me, I once again smiled and whispered


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