Cleaning the path

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"Tell me where he is and you will get to live."
"I don't know. And even if I did I wouldn't tell you tell. I was supposed to protect Kongpob. It's good he is far away from you."

The stillness of the air was teared by a laugh that held no emotion. His whole demeanor reflected rage. He was slicing the man tied on the chair. Making him bleed profoundly. The laughing stoped and with it, the man flashed his knife onto the shoulder. A scream erupted. The pain was evident in the scream.

"You think you can keep my baby away from me. He is mine. No one can take him away from me. So you better tell me where he is." It was clear that it was the stalker. The stalker killing another man brutally.

"I do-n't kno-w." The tied man tried to speak in between the excruciating pain he felt. He was injured badly. His legs were broken, his face bruised, lips cut from the corners and body sliced with deep cuts. The stalker was taking his time in torturing the man.

"Do you know my name?" The stalker asked with a creepy smile

"N-O." The man was scared.

"Ripper" the stalker whispered.

Hearing the name made the man stiffen. His eyes widened. He now knew the man standing infront of him was a well known killer. A ruthless brutal and vicious killer. He was famous in the mafia world. If he was recruited to kill someone, then the target would be eliminated. But that was not the dreaded part or why he was feared.

It was his killing style.

"Wh-at do yo-u wa-nt wit-h our Ko-ng?"

"Your Kong?" The ripper screamed and slashed his knife across the throat of the man. Making him bleed slowly.

"He is mine. Just mine. No one can stake a claim." The ripper eluded a vicarious laugh.

The man tied to the chair squeaked.

"Before you die let me tell you one interesting thing, Kongpob was my target. Rek hired me to kill him. But I fell in love with him. So instead I killed Rek and his man. And I will kill anyone and everyone who will stop me from getting my baby."

The man took his last breath. While the ripper laughed and laughed. He took a picture of Kongpob and said

"I will find you and bring you home to me baby."

Our Kong seems to be in danger. Will the ripper get him or will the brothers save their love?

Happy reading❤️

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