Closing in

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I see the terror in my love's eyes. He is crouching down. Oh how I want to tell him not be scared of me. I will always save him. He just needs to understand that he can't leave my sight. He can't think of leaving. He needs to know that I will always look after him.

He needs to know that all those guys who died where not good for him. They failed to protect him. I was the one who was protecting him all the while from the dangers around him. All of them died because of there incompetence. They didn't deserve to even utter his name. I will spare his brother because I know he loves him but he will try to find me. What he spent know is that no one not even Kong himself can keep me away from him.

He is all that I think when I wake up in the morning and when I go to bed. During my work. When I breath. He is the one I want near me all the time. No one should touch him or feel him. If they do, I still know how to treat them.
They will meet the ripper. And that won't be pretty.

Our ripper is getting near Kong. Who is he afterall? Did you guys guess??

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