Catching the fish

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The Monday evening was fairly silent for the people in KAR Co-operations, atleast for those who didn't hear the commotions that happened after work time. The place was swarmed by police officers trying to look deep into the evidence that was left as a gift for Kongpob. Arthit and Kit although didn't want to involve the police neither did Chris. But it was Kongpob's call. He recieved a diary that was more like a kill record. The police had send the diary to the forensic team to lift up any possible prints.

Through the commotions, Mark and Win along with Seb and Terry had come down to the office. The sight they saw broke them. Kongpob was crouched down on Arthit's lap. He was terrified.

"Hey Kong." Seb asked softly. Not wanting to startle Kong anymore.
Kong turned around and released his tight grip from Arthit's neck and hugged seb.

"I am fine. They were here. They helped me." Kong said while looking at the brothers with a soft smile on his face. They talked for a while as Terry also joined in.

Police had taken the statement from Kong. They had left after collecting all the necessary details. And during the entire time he was protected by the brothers. He was talking to seb and Terry when suddenly once more the door to the office opened to reveal Chris. Seeing his brother back, Kongpob ran to him. Chris instantly wrapped his arms around his brother to take him in his embrace.

"Hey buddy! I am sorry. I am late " Kong had tears in his eyes. He was happy that finally he had his brother back. Stephen came from behind as Chris released Kong from his hug. But not a second later, Kong found himself in another bone crushing hug. This time by Stephen. He heard a low growl from the brothers. Internally he was smiling and was happy at the brothers being possessive for him. He enjoyed it infact. To be claimed constantly.

"Why does everyone has to hug him?" Arthit asked as he pulled Kong out of Stephen's embrace. Chris crooked an eyebrow while Stephen smirked.

"He is not yours." Stephen claimed
"He is ours. Just. Ours" Arthit spoke with a dangerous aura. There was a change in his stance. His eyes roared rage while his body held Kong with care. Kit was no different. Suddenly they were no more the same buisness man rather appeared murderous and vicious. Chris had never seen them like that in the few meeting they had. They were always calm and composed. But today was different. Cause today they were more.

"They are my brothers. So you both need to stop this, please." Kong's voice cut through the tension that had taken over the room. Every one had noticed it except for Kong who busy trying to calm his exploding heart. He was busy admiring the two and thanking whomsoever look from above to be blessed with such lovers.

Breaking from the scene, everyone sat in the couch that decorated the brothers office.
Kit narrated the whole incident again to all. And said that Lee was missing. Everyone agreed that for sometime Kong should always be with security. It was needed.


I wanted Lee arrested as soon as possible. U want to live my life without the fear of being stalked. The police had raided Lee's place. They had found photos of me there. I am still terrified. How could he do that? Why stalk me? Why?

I was interrupted out of my thoughts by the ring of my phone.
"Mr. Kongpob. How are you? I am cheif New, I am calling you to inform that we have caught Lee. We would want you to come to the station for some proceedings." I almost dropped the phone. Holding on, I ran out of the room to the brother's office.

Barging inside, I halted in front of them.

"Baby what happened?" Arthit bolted out of his chair while Kit held me.

"The pol-ice ca-lled, they caught Lee." I said in between taking breaths.

"Shh...relax. it's good right, sweetheart." Kit soothed me

"They want me there."  I turned in Kit's arms. He  ran his fingers on my cheek.

"We will come with you. We will never leave you. You are never alone. No one can harm what's ours." Arthit said and hugged me from behind. In their arms I always felt relaxed and contend.

Taking deep breath I decided it was time to confront the guy who made me miserable for the past two months. It took us less than thirty minutes to reach the police station. We were immediately taken to what I assume was the observation room. Lee was there on the opposite side of the room that was divided with the glass. I shivered thinking that may be he can see me. My grip tightened. I held onto both brothers like my life depended on it. I was standing in between them as usual.

Lee was constantly whispering something and moving in the chair. He didn't look like he could hurt a fly but he did insert mental pain.

"He can't see you Kongpob." Chief New said.
"Did he confess?" Arthit asked while I concentrated on keeping my whits down.

"He keeps on saying and I quote 'they
will kill me'. He says he loves Kongpob. He was just trying to get to know him."

I could feel both the brothers getting angry and ready for beating Lee down. But before any of that could happen Chris and Stephen came in. There were well respected.

"Chris, thank you. You are here. Of course I am."

"Officer, when will you begin?"
"We were just waiting for you, Mr. Suthiluck."

Saying that the officer went out to the other room. My brother took my hand and moved to where Kit and Arthit stood. They smiled warmly at me, silently giving me strength.

"Tell me why did you take those photographs?" The officer asked but Lee ignored him.

"Why were you stalking, Kongpob?"
"Who are those people in the diary?"

The officer kept asking questions but none of them was answered. Suddenly the officer banged his hand on the table and shouted

"Why did you kill all those people?"

"I didn't...they will die. Will kill everyone. No one can take Kongpob away. Kongpob...protect him." Lee said and it made me crouch more into the brothers. They were my support. Both of them had an impassive face. Facing the glass, they had their fists clutched. Chris was angry and Stephen tried to hold him.
I looked towards the guy who was sitting in that chair. Lee was mumbling, appeared frantic. Was he really my stalker? Somehow even after he is caught, I have a feeling that it's not over.

"Who will die?"
"Everyone" Lee looked at the officer.
"Who will kill?"
Lee laughed. A frantic laugh that was covered with desperation. He stood up from his chair and went closer to the office while his eyes glued to the glass. It seemed he was looking directly at me. As if he could see through it.


That word froze all.

Hey guys! So for those who thought it was Lee, I am sorry it's not. Ripper is more complicated. Let's just hope everyone stays alive and Kongpob is saved.
But will he be saved?❤️

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