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I and Kit are waiting for Kee to bring in the man he was talking about. I let Kee do all the background checks and formalities. Neither of us want to go through that. We have been busy thinking of plans on how to get our baby home. He is becoming a constant in our doul life. I can't wake one day without seeing him in my dreams and kit can't keep him out of his thoughts.

"Is Kee here?" I heard Kit.
There is a door inside our office that lead us to each other's cabin without having to go out. Our office have two entry points from outside but thats for others.

"No, he went to get the candidate. I hope he is half good as Kee."

Kit was about say something when I heard a knock.
"Come in."
I saw Kee come in.

"He is outside. He is insisting that he has not applied for this position. He may not be good. Do you want to interview him still or should I let him go." Kee asked looking at both of us.

"What do you think of him?"

"He can do it with a bit guidance. He may not know how to go about it at the start but may learn it. And you both need a secretary urgently. He is the best option out of the numerous Candidates I had to interview." He sighed. I and Kit both could feel his agitation. He was a perfectionist.

"We will interview him then." Kit said. I nodded.


"Yes Kee, that will save up the time. If he has potential he can start away. So call him and give us time."

"Sure." He went out and Kit took the chair beside me.

"I have a plan to get our baby." Kit spoke and my ears perked up to hear our plan but before that could happen we heard the knock on our door.

Groaning I said "come in"

What greeted us was what we have been wanting for days. There stood in front of us our baby. Kit stood up abruptly and I was almost on the verge of running and hugging him.

He was looking down but raised his head a second later. He looked shocked but regained his composure soon.

"I-- Good morning Sir, my name is Kongpob Suthiluck."

Kit walked near Kongpob and stood. He was taller and looking at how he was gazing at Kongpob spoke of his desires.

"Sit." He said standing near Kongpob. I could see the shiver that ran through his body. He slowly walked and sat on the chair in front of me. Kit took the chair beside and turned to face our baby. Kongpob looked anxious and nervous.

"Relax, Kongpob. It's nice to meet you again baby." I said stressing on the word 'baby'. I wanted him to know that we are interested in him.

"Ah--Sir, I am not f-it for the jo-b." He stuttered. Even that was beautiful. I stood up taking my chair with me and sat next to him. Caging him between us. Kit slowly neared him.

"But you are. You will be our personal secretary. You will do exactly whatever we say, whenever we say and wherever we say." Kit spoke dangerously close to Kong's lips. Kongpob backed away. His breathing was hitched and his eyes diluted. He was affected. That was good news. We wanted our baby as affected as we were.
Not wanting any disturbances, I made a call to Kee.

"Kee cancel any other appointments. I think this will take time. And no one should be allowed in." Kee knew more than to question our orders. We may give him space to speak his mind but he never questioned us.

"Now that it's out of the way. Let's discuss your responsibilities, shall we?" I said taking his right hand into mine.

"S-ir, I am-m not taking th-is job. If it's the only position I can get then I can acc-ept the oth-er offers. You can get someone eligible" As soon as he said those my mind was rushing to think of ways to make him stay. But I was angry. He can't go. He was ours. Those offers will go away within the next hour. I will make sure.

"You should not say that. We trust our secretary. If you lack in anything, we can train you." I said looking at him. I knew Kit was smirking. Our baby is not leaving this place without accepting this.

"But.." he started however was interrupted by Kit. Kit placed his fingers on Kong's lips and said

"Shhhh....first rule, Never and I mean never disobey us."

"Second rule, always speak the truth." I said. He will learn that disobedience will have consequences. I smiled internally thinking of ways I could punish him. But I needed to calm. He was an innocent. We needed to take it slowly.

"And last, you will never leave." Kit said and I knew he meant more than this job. I hoped Kong also learned that.

Looking at our baby's face, I knew he was reluctant. But he gave in. He took a deep breath and then opened his eyes. It had determination. As if he was raising to some challenge. To our challenge.

"Yes sir."

He said with more confidence than any other time he ever spoke. That was hot but gave us a glimpse of what we may have to face. I smiled looking at Kit who was leaning on his chair smirking. He liked a challenge and so did I. We never lost. Especially if it meant to have our baby.

Game on, Kongpob Suthiluck.

I am on a roll. I guess you guys are happy that I did a triple update. I can't stop myself from gushing over these three. Its getting a bit hot and sexy. Ahhhh....

Happy reading ❤️

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