The males spoke no more as Ekon followed Agnar's hurried gait to said Alva's home. The trek was a silent one, Ekon too worried about his mate to speak pleasantries.

Ekon didn't need Agnar to point out the correct den to know which house was Alva's. There was a horde of city guards gaggled by the entrance. He recognized Dakota amongst the crowd, the male seemingly equally as displeased as those around him regarding Ekon's failure to protect his 'female.'

As Ekon passed them, bee lining for the entrance, many glared at him. It was shameful for a male to allow his mate to be harmed. The lion man would have hung his head had he not been more concerned about ensuring that his mate was in fact in one piece.

However, just as he passed the threshold, a group of males stepped out in front of him effectively blocking his path.

"We told all of you to remain outside." The largest of the group growled out as he nodded his head towards the door, his arms crossed over his bulging chest. His bulky form towering over all other males present.

Ekon felt his hackles rise and pinned his ears flat. To block a male from his mate was considered a challenge. However, in the current situation, he could not afford to lose himself. Controlling his instincts, "Where's August? I'm his mate, Ekon of the pride." He explained, calming his face and portraying a calm he did not feel. His eyes surely burned with desperation. He needed to see his mate and confirm his safety.

The largest male huffed but did not immediately move out of Ekon's way. "You should have never left your mate alone and unattended like that." He chided, "I know it is tempting to keep your mate for yourself, however, for their safety it is better to share." The large male's eyes shone with disapproval towards Ekon's actions but buried deep within their depth was understanding. No male ever wanted to share their mate, except that in their world it was not an option. Rather, it was a question of safety and survival.

Swallowing a lump in his throat, Ekon nodded numbly. It was not a topic he was ready to explore.

Having conveyed his message, the large male turned and indicated for Ekon to follow him in. The other four males present followed before Ekon. Agnar remained outside with the other unaffiliated males.

Alva's home was far more than just a hut. Her den was large and had multiple rooms, which was uncommon on the beast continent. Had Ekon not been in a rush to see August he would have taken time to admire the structure.

The six males soon entered a room that was furthest from the entrance that was a swarm of beastmen. The room was simple with furs spread out on the floor.

Spotting August wrapped in layers of fur, Ekon rushed to his mate's side. "August!" He exclaimed as he kneeled before his precious mate, scanning him for any sign of injury before even contemplating reaching out.

Hearing his name, August had looked up from a female, who Ekon assumed was Alva. They'd been mid conversation. "Ekon?" He had never seen August so disheveled. His eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot, his silky black hair limp and clumped from having.

In a sense, Ekon was sure they matched. His own blond hair was sure to be a wild tangle of leaves and twigs. He couldn't stop his tail from tucking in close and curling in on itself while his ears were flattened.

"Are you ok?" By then Ekon was squishing the August's face between his hands as he turn his face left and right. "What happened?"

Unable to talk with his cheeks getting compressed, Ekon allowed August to peel his paws from his face.

"I'm fine. A little startled, but ok." August started, his voice calm although a bit rough. "I wanted to take a bath and then..." His voice quietened after looking up at Ekon's face.

"YOU LEFT THE HUT?" Ekon boomed before August could finish. He knew he should remain calm and shouldn't be upset with his mate. If anything, he should have ensured August's utmost comfort.

August winced at Ekon's outburst and pulled the furs tighter around himself.

The lion beastman was seething. He felt guilty for having frightened his mate, but how could August disobey him? He had clearly told him to stay inside and yet he had gone out. It was Ekon's job to protect August, if only August would listen to his instructions.

A hand placed on his shoulder caused Ekon to whirl around with an angry hiss, ready maul whoever had attempted to disturbed him. He came face to face with a silver-eyed, pasty skinned male with blue-gray hair tipped with orange. "What?" He growled.

"Calm down. You're scaring your mate." The male started, his serrated teeth peeking out from behind his lips as he spoke. "He would have been attacked anyways. The fact that it didn't happen at you hut was in fact quite lucky."

Ekon blanched at the news. "What do you mean 'anyways'?"

Ignoring Ekon's question, the male continued, "From what your mate has told us, it seems like the fox beastman who attempted to kidnap him had seeked him out close to your den."

"Are there any reasons that you think could make August a target, apart from him only having one mate?" A smooth, feminine voice spoke up from beside August. "It's possible that she was targeted by a female trafficker. They usually never target females living within a city, unless she is considered rare."

"I'm not a female..." Mumbled August with a pout from beside Alva, "Ask Aquil, he saw..."

"Hush, it's not the time for this." Alva silenced August before returning her expectant gaze to Ekon.

Having stiffened from Alva's treatment of his mate, Ekon simply turned his arm so that most in the room could see August's mating mark. His tail flicked restlessly as he defended his mate's identity with silent action.

The expected series of gasps soon followed from those who saw Ekon's treasured mark. Those who could not see, craned their neck to get a glimpse of what had caused the other's jaw to drop only to follow suit themselves.

"You are so getting castrated!" Squeaked a mortified, tomato faced August.

Ekon couldn't find it in himself to not feel smug.


Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed, please support by tapping that star <3

Big thank you to all those of you who have been supporting my work. It means a lot to me and is very encouraging. :)


Nov. 15, 2021

Edit posted June 14, 2023

I'm NOT a Female!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora