Hashtag, virgin bitch out

Start from the beginning

"GET OUT!" I yelled as I shoved Antonio and the spider out of the bathroom and out of my room.

I sighed and fell onto my bed.

"How have you been?" Enzo questioned as he sat next to me. I sat up and looked him in the eyes before slapping the fuck out of him.

"What the hell did you do?" I questioned as I stood up.
"One day you tell me that you're visiting your family and the next I heard that you were at "Hell Chamber". Whatever the fuck that is," I said flapping my arms up and down.

He looked at me and smirked at my actions.

"Was someone worried about their "love"?" Enzo said questioning me.
"No!" I stated and tried to move away from him. Before I could move he grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me into him.

"I love you, neonata," he said then buried his face into the crook of my neck.
"I love you too, Dickhead." I said, pulling away from him.

(Translation: neonata= baby girl)

He grabbed my arm to pull me back into him.
"I'm hungry." He whispered while kissing my neck.

"Yeah, hell no, we're not doing that, again," I said as I already know what he's hungry for.
He rolled his eyes and smirked.

"What is it that you think that I want to eat, neonata?" he questioned and folded his arms.

"Come on." I stated after knowing he's not going to let this blow over. I pretended to lead him to the bed before I made a turn towards the door. He grabbed my arm as we continued down the hall.

"Where are we going?" He questioned.

"I'm going to make you something to eat because you said you were hungry." I said as we made our way to the kitchen. He huffed like a child and I laughed.

"Ohh, you can cook?" He questioned raising his brows.
"Nope!" I stated, honestly then went into the refrigerator and grabbed fruits.
"I can cut up fruit though," I said while shrugging.

As I was about to grab the knife Enzo snuck up behind me and squeezed my ass.
"Enzo!" I yelled in surprise and dropped the knife.
"Oops, sorry, my hand slipped." He said then placed a grape into his mouth. When he turned around to leave I smacked his ass causing him to pause in his tracks.

"Oops, my hand sl-

Before I could make out my words his hand grabbed hold of my neck.

"What did I tell you about that? Hmm?" He questioned as I bit my lip. He licked his lip and to my surprise, he started fisting my breast.

"These are mine, okay?" He claimed while fisting at my breast and earning a moan from me. I nodded my head "yes" before he tightened his grip around my neck. Not too tight though.

"Words, love." He demanded as he did circular motions onto them.
"Y-yes," I said causing him to smirk and release me. When he was about to sit at a stool something came to mind.

"Oops, I said it wrong again." I said and faced him across the counter. He looked confused while eating a grape.
"What I meant to say was....yes, daddy!" I noted and bit my lip.

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