Ch 15

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The next morning I wake up in bed beside Yunho. Smiling softly I carefully climb out of his arms and off the bed silently leaving the room without waking him, San or Wooyoung up. I head into the kitchen a thoughtful expression on my face. Seeing Hongjoong at the stove I give him a soft "good morning." He looks over at me before looking concerned. "Something on your mind Danny?" I hesitate before nodding. "Yeah actually I was wondering if maybe I could do with you guys to the photo shoot today." He frowns slightly. "I don't know about that. You know our manager doesn't like hybrids or cats and we don't want you to get hurt." I pout a little. "But I'll hide my ears and tail. Please Hongjoong I need to get out of the dorm." He hesitates before sighing. "Alright fine. But your gonna have to hide your tail and wear a hat." I smile and hug him happily. "Thank you! I'll make sure I won't be in the way or noticeable." He smiles softly hugging me back. Pulling away I turn to see Yunho and smile brightly bouncing a little in excitement. "Yunho I'm going with you to the photo shoot!" He smiles softly and kisses my cheek. "That's great jagiya." I blush then quickly excuse myself to go get dressed. I pull on some regular jeans stuffing my tail into my pant leg then look around for a hat pouting when I can't find one. Getting an idea I skip to Yeosang's room and knock. I wait until I hear a come in before entering. "Hey Yeosang do you have a hat I can borrow that will hide my ears?" He looks me over before nodding and hands me a large hat that looks like the type fishermen wear. Smiling I put it on it not tight on my ears or anything. Immediately feeling relieved I smile and give him a little hug. "Thanks Sangie!" He chuckles softly giving a soft "your welcome" before I let go. I then skip off to the living room Yeosang following behind me. I go over to Yunho's side and take his hand holding it happily. He smiles down at me then leads me down to the van. I sit in back with Yunho and Mingi ignoring the strange look I get from their manager. He raises an eyebrow at mine and Yunho's intertwined hands and I slowly let go of his hand looking down at my lap. I stay silent until we reach the shoot and I follow them up to the floor they're having it at. I stay behind the scenes with the manager staying quiet. I can feel him studying me and feel a little uncomfortable. He then says in a stern tone. "You know you won't be accepted if you come out to the fans so you might as well leave now." I give him a slight look. "I'm not leaving because I care about Yunho and the other boys. They're my family and I'm not leaving them." He glares at me but I turn around and ignore him waiting for the boys to finish. Once they're done they change back into their regular clothes then come over to us. I immediately skip over to Yunho's side but refrain from holding his hand. Instead pulling a pleading look. "Can we go get ice cream in the park before we go home?" Everyone looks at each other before agreeing. We head back to the van driving to the park and I excitedly get out skipping over to an ice cream cart. I order a scoop of strawberry before the others soon join me. Looking around I suddenly notice something and look curious. "Where's the manager?" Jongho who's at my side gives me a smile. "We convinced him to leave so we could have some free time." I smile and nod then pause when the wind blows past me my nose catching a familiar scent. Blinking I quickly run off ignoring the yells to come back. Following the scent I stop when I reach a bunch of bushes and kneel down looking through them until I find what I'm looking for. There lying in the bushes all scraped up, bloody and bruised is a fox hybrid.

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