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(Danny's Pov)

"You can borrow some of my clothes if you want. Yunho's look really baggy on you." My nose scrunches up slightly and I shift uncomfortably. How do I tell them that I prefer Yunho's scent without sounding weird? I look at them before saying in an awkward and uncomfortable tone. "Um thanks but no thanks..... I prefer Yunho's clothes." They all stare at me and I shrink in on myself shifting from foot to foot. I peek over at Yunho who looks a little curious and confused. Feeling extremely uncomfortable I back away before running to Yunho and his friend San's room. I jump onto Yunho's bed before pulling the covers over my head in complete embarrassment. I stay like that for awhile before there's a knock at the door. "Go away!" There's a pause for awhile before there's another knock and before I can protest I pause when I hear Yunho's voice. "It's me. Can I at least come in and grab some clothes?" I hesitate before giving a small yes. Hearing the door open I make sure that I'm buried under the covers so I can't be seen. I hear his footsteps head to the closet and rustling then I hear him walking to the door. There's a pause though and he suddenly says in a soft voice. "I'm sorry if we embarrassed or upset you in some way. We didn't mean to." I stay quiet and then I hear the door close. Sighing I nuzzle my nose against the pillows relaxing in Yunho's scent before dozing off.

(Yunho's Pov)

I enter the kitchen after changing into jeans and a t shirt. Everyone looks up at me and Seonghwa asks curiously. "Did he let you in?" I nod. "Yeah but he was hidden under my blankets and wouldn't talk." Everyone looks guilty and apologetic. After a moment Hongjoong speaks up. "I think we need to do some research on hybrids. Especially you Yunho." I nod and grab my phone immediately going to google and start researching. After a few hours of research I feel a presence near me and look up to see Seonghwa with a plate. He puts the plate with a delicious sandwich on it down in front of me. "Find anything interesting?" I nod. "Yeah actually. Cat hybrids are apparently really sensitive to scents and everything." Seonghwa hums looking down at me. "Then maybe our scents bother him." I look at him curiously. "Then why doesn't my scent bother him?" Seonghwa shrugs then looks at the time and frowns. "Danny hasn't come out of your room all day. And he didn't eat this morning." I immediately frown then look determined and grab my sandwich and a bottle of water. I then head to my room and knock. "Danny can I come in?" I wait but don't receive an answer. I try again but again no response. Feeling worried I carefully open the door and peek my head in. Hearing sniffling I look at my bed and see Danny laying curled up in a ball crying. Immediately feeling concerned I enter the room and carefully approach but stop when Danny suddenly freezes.

Take me home (a Jeong Yunho x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now