Chapter 4- Quick Chats

Start from the beginning

"Maybe I'm just not in the mood for this." I sigh, moving into the kitchen. Instead of recreation, I figured I might as well use my extra time to do some quick chores. I wash the dishes I used to prepare dinner, then neatly dried and put them away. I stare at my clock.

'8:44 PM.... It only took me 18 minutes.'

I let out a groan, leaning back against the counter. I'm not tired. I don't want to waste the only break time I have from work. That's when I spotted my dark phone on the countertop beside me. The memory of Blue and I's conversation refreshed into my mind, clear as day. However, I couldn't help but hesitate.

'Blue said Papyrus had a bad day yesterday. I wouldn't want to bother him while he's trying to rest...'

I feel saddened even though I'm right. My eyes stayed focused on my phone's screen, as if I'm hoping for him to text me out of nowhere. Well,  that's not possible.

'I don't think Sans gave him my number. I was supposed to text him first.'

I force myself to look away and peer back to my clock on the wall. It's 8:45 PM now. My urge to text Honey is all I can think about. Finally, I come up with a compromise.

Confidently, I clasp my hands together and tell myself, "Curfew is at nine. I'll just use the fifteenth minutes I have left to check on him and ask if he's feeling better! If he's resting, he won't answer so why's it matter anyway?!"

My motivation sparks and I hurriedly pick up the phone and type the message.

[Hey Papyrus, this is Y/N! Sans said you were having a rough time so I wanted to ask how you're doing.]

Next challenge arises, I can't push myself to hit the send button. My confidence was a lie.

'IS ThiS tOO FoRmaL or SuDDen?! Maybe I should-'

While fumbling with my phone to delete that message, I hit the wrong button. My heart dropped as I read the "sent" caption.

I shriek and slap my phone back onto the counter, "NO! HECK!" I stared in terror, my heart feels like it's beating through my chest. I can barely manage my feelings now, it skyrocketed to the moon and back when I saw the little text bubble appear on his side.


-[Heya and yeah.. I slept pretty much all day so I'm okay]
-[How r u?]
-[How was work?]

Three messages, not one, but three.


I try to reply quickly, so as not to keep him waiting too long.

[That's good that you got to rest! I'm doing good. Work was okay too. Now I'm just board]

I slap my hand over my face, already feeling my face heat up. I have the urge to defend myself, so I send another text while he's still typing.

[I know how to spell. This phone is a jerk sometimes.]

-[Lol, I know that already. You are pretty smart. Just never a way of telling when stuff like that wood happen.]

[... You're bringing out the puns already..]

-[I know, I'm unbe-leaf-able ;)]

I can't hold it together because of that winking face, so of course I burst into laughter.

[Y'know Blue is going to take away your phone privileges after this.]

-[He may be cringing as we speak. He has another sense or something]
-[Ah- he's here! I have to go to bed now, jinxed it lol]

I smile, imagining how Blue must be fussing him. Even though Honey is the older brother, Blue is so responsible that he has no choice but to treat Papyrus like a child.

[Lol it's okay! Get some sleep, okay?]

-[Will do, thx for the chat]

[Talk to you later! Goodnight!]

The conversation came to an end and yet I can't stop smiling. My heart feels so full and my worry from before is gone. That was very enjoyable! Already, I can't wait to talk to him again, if he'll let me.

'Maybe I can talk with Sans and plan another visit soon.'

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