11 || Manhunt

990 57 24


He didn't remember much from the past few hours, but he did remember the absolute joy at finally find his soulmate, and the excruciating pain from losing her a moment later.

Just opening that door at the concert, the last thing he expected to see was her. The girl that had bumped into not once, but several times in the past day. He tried his best not to think too hard about his embarrassing encounter with one of BigHit's trainees. That was partially why seeing her was a shock.

Her name still seemed to echo through his mind. Astra Hill. Quite fitting for a girl with the beauty of a night sky full of stars.

It was more than he every though when he reached out and grabbed her hand in that split second decision. Just a single touch made all of his exhaustion dissapear. It didn't even feel like he had just performed a concert, in fact, he probably could have done 10 back to back in that moment.

Perhaps it was his fault for grabbing her. He probably startled her, causing her to let go when Jin came from the door.

Namjoon couldn't really tell much of what had happened since then. Shouting, yelling, voices screaming in his head. And then, silence. If anything, the silence was more terrifying than the noise. At least with that, he could actually tell something was happening.

Light seemed to flash on and off like strobe light behind his closed eyes. His consciousness was slowly rising from the edges of darkness, but he could still feel that something was terribly, terrible wrong. His mind worked to pick up on the words of those around him, only a muffle in his dazed state. They slowly gained clarity.

"Please, mr. Kim, you must calm down. We have administered a large portion of soul depressants that should neutralize the nova quarks in his system. It is likely that the suspect had abilities to trigger dormant nova quark particles to an unstable level."

Namjoon didnt recognize the voice. But the word soul depressants made a hollow feeling fill his gut. That explained why he felt so... empty. It was like an entire piece of himself was missing.

"It's been six hours!" This voice, Namjoon did recognize. Seokjin. He was here, did that mean the rest of his group was too. He felt a pit of guilt. He didn't want them to stress too hard over him, there were bigger things in life.

"He should be awake by now," Jin continued.

Small beeps seemed to come to Namjoon's awareness by then. They were a hollow, echoing feeling as they marched the pulsing drum of his heart beat.

The soft beeps filled the silence, and all Namjoon could hear was the faint rustle of clothes as people moved around.

"His heartbeat is picking up," said the first voice. "He should be waking up."

"Joon?" Came the cautious voice in his ear. His eyelids still felt heavy, his muscles straining with the minimal effort just to open his eyes. Instead, he twitched his finger, the small movement taking him one step closer to consciousness.

Then, it was like someone flicked a switch. The sensation was so similar to the feeling before he blacked out. The feeling he had when he was with Astra. It seemed to fill him with elation, and somehow, while Namjoon didn't know why, he knew she was close.

It was as if one of them had passed some kind of threshold and everything cane rushing back. He could feel his heart start to race. The pounding in his ears getting progressively faster as the beeping from the heart monitor accelerated.

There were a few shouts of alarm, and some scrambling as he finally opened his eyes.

White light seemed vivid around him. It almost felt too white, too clean. He was in a hospital room. Certainly, it was better than the average room, but not nearly big enough. He moved his hand to sit up, a sharp sting responding to his movements. He looked down, an IV had been placed in his hand, a thin tube full of liquid travelling from a small bag hung on a rack.

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