Chapter 12

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Y/N's POV:
I'm sat waiting for the football to start with Tommy on my lap trying to distract myself from the dinner with Robbie's family in a couple of days and the fact that Victoria hasn't messaged since yesterday morning but has read mine. I'm having a great time... not. The doorbell goes and I get up reluctantly to answer it. Oh fuck.
"What's with the smirk Olsen?" I roll my eyes opening the door for her to come in.
"Im just here to see my favourite little one," Lizzie declares taking Tommy from me.
"Ok well then I'll go out," I joke.
"You think I don't know when the games are on?" Lizzie laughs. I blush a little sitting on the sofa at one end hoping she'd sit at the other. Nope she sits right next to me her head resting on my shoulder.
"Comfy?" I giggle.
"Extremely. How's your girlfriend?" Lizzie checks smirking.
"I don't know. She's not messaged me back," I sigh.
"I'm sure she's just busy," Lizzie tries to reassure me seeing how hurt I was.
"Or maybe she's realised I've got too much baggage," I mumble tearily.
"Like what?"
"The ex who is also my best friend who's family also happen to be the only family I have. My son who makes her a step mom at 25. My inability to get over my ex I don't know," I sulk. Lizzie puts Tommy down on his playmat. She takes my hands away from my face and Straddles me. Lizzie tilts my chin up to look at her.
"You listen to me now. You are perfect. Fuck everything else you are beyond words. She is an absolute moron for not valuing you enough, I should know I'm guilty of it in the past. You don't deserve to be so upset over a woman who can't see that. Even if that includes me," Lizzie explains cupping my face. I can't help but smile.
"Thank you," I blush. She kisses my forehead gently and I pull her in for a hug.
"You're welcome. Now let's have a drink and enjoy the match. Take your mind off it," Lizzie encourages me kissing my cheek as she begins climbing off my lap.

Lizzie's POV:
I sit down with both of our drinks and I can see the concern on Y/N's face.
"Open up Y/L/N. Come on," I plead.
"How are you so calm? About Robbie? I want to kill him for what he's doing to you," Y/N sighs.
"Because he's never had my heart. I'm with him to protect it," I shrug.
"From me?"
"Yeah at first it was definitely that. But now I'm just waiting for it to come to an end. I need to know that he won't blame you. I need to know he will trip himself up. Before I come back to you. Before I let myself love you fully again," I explain.
"I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I didn't take more care of your heart," she apologises.
"You did the right thing. I know that now but it hurt me so badly. Not waking up to that goofy grin every morning. Not holding you while I fall asleep. Not laughing at your incredibly cheesy jokes. Not seeing how much you love me just in the way you look at me. I missed it all.... I still do," I admit.
"I missed it too," she whispers.

Her phone starts to ring snapping us out of our daze. She shows me it's Scarlett. I nod for her to answer it.
"Hey Y/N. I'm going to send you something and don't freak out ok?" Scarlett pleads as her face appears on the screen.
"I'm not a child Scar send it to me."
Victoria Pedretti seen cosying up to costar.
The images show Victoria kissing some dude on the cheek and touching his arm. These are not good.
"I..uh thank you Scarlett," she hangs up downing her drink before she starts to message Victoria.
Y/N: I'll give you a chance to explain because I can't believe you'd do this to me.
The message isn't even delivered. She throws her phone on the sofa opens another beer and starts to chug it.
"Y/N," I try to start. She looks at me and her bottom lip starts to tremble. I take the bottle from her hand putting it down and pull her onto my lap. She clutches onto my shirt and starts to let herself get upset.
"I'm sorry I just can't believe she'd do this to me."
"It's ok let it out don't apologise. Maybe she didn't. We all know how paps can make things look," I reason not wanting her to be upset.
"Look at how she's looking at him. She doesn't look at me like that. What was I? Some experiment?" Y/N whispers devastated. I don't know but she's an idiot. Y/N looks at her phone the message has been delivered and read but no reply. Ouch.

Y/N's POV:
I turn off the phone and Throw it on the sofa. I cuddle into Lizzie and just get comfortable. Not realising I'm still crying I promptly am informed when Lizzie tilts my chin up to look at her wiping my tears.
"Beautiful girls should never cry. So you stop that now or I'll start," Lizzie warns me.
"Ok," I giggle a little. She wipes my tears one drops onto my lip so she wipes it slowly with her thumb. I gulp uncontrollably. We both naturally lean in just as we're about to connect the door goes. I get up composing myself and open the door to see Victoria.
"I can explain."

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