Chapter 10

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Lizzie's POV:
I knock on the door nervously. Victoria opens it smiling.
"Hey Lizzie come in. Sorry Y/N is just packing Tommy's bag to make sure you have everything you need," Victoria invites me inside.
"Thank you." I smile slightly as I follow her inside.
"Babe have you seen his dummy?" Y/N shouts from her room. Ouch.
"Yeah it's in the front zip of the bag with the spares you put them in there last night," Victoria responds.
"She'd forget her own head if it wasn't screwed on," I joke.
"It's even worse with baby brain," she laughs.
"Are you two insulting me?" Y/N pouts.
"Always," I smirk.
"What are your plans Olsen?" Y/N inquires.
"Tommy and I are going for a walk around Richmond Park then I'm coming back here to give him a snack. And I've bought him some new toys that I want to play with him with," I explain.
"Sounds good. I'll give you the spare key. If you need anything at all give us a call ok?" Y/N pleads.
"I will do. Go on have fun you two. You're interrupting on Auntie Lizzie time now get out of here," I demand. Y/N laughs taking Victoria's hand.
"That's us told. Bye Olsen," Y/N giggles as they leave. It's hard to watch how attentive she is with Victoria.

Y/N's POV:
I only had a few more days left with Victoria before she heads back to LA. Victoria is unusually quiet. I study her face cupping it.
"Penny for your thoughts?" I ask kissing her gently.
"What happens when I go back? We won't see each other for what 3 months. I go from LA to Vancouver to film. And you have the book tour. What's going to happen?" Victoria checks a little tearily.
"I can't predict the future but I can tell you what I intend to do. I intend to make every effort to keep this relationship going because you've made me the happiest I've been in a very long time. Tommy adores you and so do I. You're special darling," I comfort her kissing her gently.
"I adore you too. Can we not spend the next 3 days dreading what comes next? Let's just take one day at a time. Just us and Tommy obviously," She pleads.
"Whatever you need. So I have a plan. Something nice and fun for the day. It involves you, me and being normal," I smirk.
"What does that mean?" Victoria queries confused.
"Come on and I'll show you," I encourage her. We walk into a divey looking bar in London but when we get inside it's a darts bar with interactive games. Her face lights up.
"This looks cool. You're going to have to teach me. I'm not very good at this sort of thing," Victoria mumbles nervously.
"Why do you think I did it? You know I can't keep my hands off you," I smirk blushing.
"I might play really badly on purpose if that's the case," she teases putting my hands on her waist.
"We both know you're too competitive for that," I taunt her.

Lizzie's POV:
Tommy and I go for a wonderful walk around the park. When we get back I feed him and he smiles at me with the same goofy grin that Y/N does.
"What do I do buddy? How do I get her back?" I sigh giving him another spoonful.
"She really likes this girl and seeing them together really hurts me. I know it's stupid. I'm engaged but I can't let her go. It's going to end whether it's me or her that ends this engagement. Or Robbie's bit on the side," I ramble. Why are babies so easy to talk to?
"Did she read the draft yet?" I check. He just giggles. Yeah you're right I'm being ridiculous. I sigh.

Y/N's POV:
Victoria got called in for a few last minute shots at work to make sure they have everything before she leaves cutting our day short. I open the front door and hear Lizzie talking to Tommy.
"How do I get her back?" Lizzie asks him. I shouldn't eavesdrop but I do. I keep listening until I hear about the draft.
"No. Victoria is at work. How about we read it together?" I offer. She smiles brightly before realising.
"How long have you been here?" Lizzie asks scratching the back of her neck.
"For a little while. I'm sorry it hurts you to see us together. It hurts me to see you with him too," I admit.
"So let's go through this draft," Lizzie suggests blushing. I go and get the draft placing it on her lap.
"Talk me through your thoughts," I plead.
"What was your last thought before you died?" Lizzie questions nervously.
"The first time it was that little adorable nose scrunch you do when you smile. The second was your laugh. And I felt content knowing that you weren't there to see it. You didn't have to go through that," I answer honestly. I read what she's written and some of it just destroys me.
"What would it take for you to fight for me?" Lizzie mumbles scared.
"You really want me to fight for you?" I blush.
"I want so many things and that's the start of it. It ends with us being a real family once I propose," Lizzie states.
"Why are you saying this when your engaged?"
"Because this engagement won't last. He's cheating on me and I'm waiting to catch him. And finally embarrass him in front of his family and friends. Then I'm free," Lizzie explains.
"I'm not single though Lizzie," I reply.
"I know. But whether I have to wait 10 weeks or 10 months I'm ok with that as long as it ends up with you back in my arm," Lizzie assures me cupping my face. I look into her eyes for any hint of insincerity but there's none.
"I need to think. I need time to process. I need to know you won't just stay with him. I need to know that this is worth risking the happiest I've been for years. I need safety," I gulp wanting to kiss her.
"I'll go and let you have the next few days with her uninterrupted or confused by me. Then I'll wait for you to need me and I'll be there," Lizzie informs me kissing my cheek inches from my lips winking before she gets up to leave. Fuck my life.

Easy on me (Y/N)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя