If he thought of Jimin's life as his then why did he seem to hate Jimin's success in the acting field so much? If he knew and trusted that he was the real one and one day he will get to his rightful place, why did he hate that much, something that benefited him ultimately for he could eat the fruits of his labour anyways? Did he mind that it was Jimin that was accomplishing all that instead of him or did he hate the accomplishment altogether? You couldn't help but question his reaction while he started speaking with DongMin as if nothing had happened. As if he truly was the Jimin you knew off and not a manipulative personality that had the scary ability to adapt better than a chameleon.

You didn't mingle on their talk, even though you kept your eyes on him and he threw his gaze once or two your way casually, most likely satisfied for even if you were to claim of him not being the real one again, you had no way to prove it and he was not gonna let you waver anyone no matter how much you were to try. However in front of DongMin, even if you wanted to, you weren't able to speak of anything since he was not aware of Jimin's disorder.

The doorbell echoing again was what gave you a spark of hope as you didn't hesitate to walk away and instead of letting Jin in with the bags full of things he had bought, you pushed him outside and stepped out along with him.

"I have no proof, I know I have none, but that seriously is not the real Jimin. It's P1!" You blurred at him looking him eye to eye, while your hands had wrapped on his shoulders desperately and Jin just looked back at you before nonchalantly admitting that he knew that.

His response caught you off guard for a moment, as you were prepared to argue for your belief yet he seemed to not be opposing it at all.

"Then why did you-"

"I will cook for him, you keep making him think that you are struggling to make me believe in your hunch and let's get him unconscious one more time. We have to give Jimin one more chance to fight and win his place back. He must have been in a very weak state to lose twice but I believe in him, so please, help me out Y/N. One more time." Jin's eyes portrayed his vulnerable feelings as he requested of you to take one more risk but truth was that you wouldn't hesitate to help either way.

Having his other main personalities awake and around sure was helpful for you could try and get information out of them however this was surely not the best moment to have anyone but the real Jimin around. There were too many things going on in which you needed him and his judgment. There was someone after his career and others after his own existence. Enemies out of him as well as within him The realization itself was enough to make you want to help him and only him for in your eyes he was the target. A target whom all were aiming to destroy, tear apart and kill while the only thing he wanted to do was be normal. Live as himself truly and freely.

"I am willing to just hit him with a pan on his head at this point. So for the good of his head, Jimin better wakes up right this time." You uttered as you opened your door again and made way for Jin to enter, him chuckling a bit over your words that he found funny.

He walked to the kitchen while he gave a small greeting to DongMin, almost not surprised that he was there while you walked back into the living room and took your standing place, before the small table, right across the cough they were seated at.

A couch which had two pillows that you cherished and one of them somehow was seen under DongMin's thigh, a sight that instantly got on your nerves and you decided to make it an issue to occupy Jimin's thoughts of thinking anything suspicious of the delay you and Jin had by the door.

"Get your dirty legs away from my pillows!" You slapped his leg as you abruptly pulled on the pillow and DongMin just left an exhale of pain, before looking at you with a shocked facial expression.

"Hey, you don't have to be so mean. You could have just told me!" He argued, feeling wronged.

"I did tell you, right now. What are you, deaf?" You retorted as you threw the pillow on his face and he stood up looking rather annoyed.

"Can't you be peaceful for once and let me live?"

"You living is not a fact I fancy much. Have I not made it obvious so far?"

"You seriously are just- I was just standing there. How did I even bother you this time?"

"This is my apartment and as thus whatever oxygen is in here belongs to me. You were breathing my oxygen without my permission! So stop breathing!" Your bickering started flaming up and you ended up getting into it more than you had originally planted, failing to notice that when Jin's voice echoed, referring to your behaviour as a lovers quarrel, Jimin's gaze had literary morphed to deadly and had pierced daggers on the clueless DongMin.

---To be continued...

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