He was confused, the last thing he could remember was staring at Y/N's lips and a strong smell of mint.  But now, as he stared at the red lights coming from the room beyond his door, he began to figure out what was happening and reality kicked in. Red flashing lights meant the alarm system had been triggered and someone was here that wasn't meant to be. The smoke was a sign that unfortunately things hadn't gone to plan.

What the fuck has happened?

Jimin sat up in his bed and his head stared spinning, he couldn't  tell wether it was from what initially knocked him out or the lack of oxygen he had been getting while he was unconscious. One hand held his head, trying to sooth the ache whilst the other blindly searched for the gas mask he kept in his nightstand. Chemical warfare was his speciality after all. But all that met his hand was the rough wood inside the draw. The mask was gone. 

Yoongi probably took it for developments.


Due to his underwater training Jimin could hold his breath for a surprisingly long time, but he had already been inhaling smoke for god knows how long and by the looks of it, the fire on the other side of the door was going to be more challenging.

Jimin took a deep breath before trying to stand up from his bed, but he was weak and stumbled, falling to his knees. He decided this wasn't necessarily a bad thing, the closer he was to the ground, the less smoke he would inhale if he had to take a breath. 

He crawled to the doorway, each move making him more weary. Luckily, Jimin was still wearing the suit that Yoongi and Taehyung had made for his fight with Y/N, so he wasn't completely defenceless. But, the suit was tight on his skin and made his lungs feel compressed, he needed more space. He needed more air. 

He got to the door and touched the handle, it was warm, meaning that fire was on the other side but not enough fire to make the metal handle burn. Not yet anyway. Jimin sat against the wall next to the door, taking one last moment to clear his head before opening the door. He started clawing at the nape of his suit trying to find the zip, the tight fabric made it feel like Jimin was suffocating. Jimin was tired and needed clean air, he knew he was running out of time. 

It was no use, he couldn't reach the zip, and the energy he was exerting was too much. He needed to take a breath. Jimin got as low to the ground as he could before taking a long pained inhale. But the smoke was thick now and infiltrated his airways like a parasite. Jimin couldn't help it, he doubled over on the floor coughing and gasping for air. This was it. 

There was no way he was going to get out, not in this state. He started reflecting on things, The Academy, the boys, he was confident that they would have escaped. He thought they were stronger than him, smarter. And then his mind landed on Y/N. 

Was she stuck too? 

Was she injured? 

Did she escape? 

Does she know how I feel?

That was enough, he had to find you. He had to save you. Jimin took one last, pained breath before standing again, facing the door. Before he could open it however, someone opened it from the other side. 

He was expecting one of the boys perhaps, they had a strong no man left behind code, he knew they wouldn't just leave him. So what Jimin did see took him back.

In the door way, silhouetted by fire and red flashing lights was a large man, dressed in all black and wearing his gas mask, Jimin's mask. He barely fit in the door frame. 

Immediately panic kicked in. 

The man's silhouette was familiar, unforgettable even, and Jimin knew exactly who he was without having to see his face. And the man was wearing Jimin's mask, he had been in the room when Jimin was defenceless. The thought made him feel sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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