Goku's joke to King Kai?

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Goku: So... you want me to tell you another joke? Why?

King Kai: Just do it, unless you don't want dinner!

Goku: Okay! Okay! Um... Oh! Guess what?

King Kai: What?

Goku: People say that I am the strongest in the world! I even surpass vegeta! Do you know what I'm Saiyan?

King Kai: +tries to hold back laugh* That.. was p-pretty good...

Goku: Pretty good? You mean great! Are you insaiyan?!

*King Kai* Uncontrollibly laughs*

Vegeta: You're kidding me. Kakrot only made the same pun twice.

Goku: Maybe because I'm always funny?

Vegeta: Becuase you are a clown.

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